Welcome to MY STUFF ROOM - a space for my collection of STUFF ... STUFF GALORE ... GALORE-IOUS STUFF! ... INSPIRING STUFF I find online, and maybe even some STUFF I create myself. It's all Stuff that makes for a Creatively Galore-ious Day! ... Thanks to all who share their talents! I love to see it ... it truly inspires.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Candy Jar Half Full
Great Idea - I don't know if that is why they did it, but it could be a good reason to put pretty paper or fabric around the bottom of a candy jar...more than just for the nice look it gives. It takes a lot of candy to fill a jar, and that much candy is usually not used up, so just add a bowl upside-down in the bottom of the candy jar and then add your candies on top of it. Tada! From Celebrations at Home