Welcome to MY STUFF ROOM - a space for my collection of STUFF ... STUFF GALORE ... GALORE-IOUS STUFF! ... INSPIRING STUFF I find online, and maybe even some STUFF I create myself. It's all Stuff that makes for a Creatively Galore-ious Day! ... Thanks to all who share their talents! I love to see it ... it truly inspires.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday's Inspiration

For me and my house, we use Sunday's as a day to serve the Lord. We believe it to be a day of rest, so my post's for Sunday's will definitely be pre-published, scheduled for posting. They will include things that will spiritually inspire.
To begin this galore-y we have a card that I purchased many years ago and have stuck to my magnet board above my computer. It's a good reminder!

"What makes us special is the signature of God on our lives."
- Max Lucado

Sorry for the "magnet dust" on the upper portion. I couldn't get it cleaned off after all those years of sticking around.

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