I wanted to post about this yesterday, but thought I'd better stick to one item per day. I actually had three topics on my mind for yesterday's post. We'll see if I post my third option tomorrow?? Never can tell! So many things happen in a day that just might change my mind.
This one however, has been on my mind for a few days now, so I thought it was time.
After coming home from a long, work-out kind of a shopping trip, late (10:10pm), I was happy to get into my bed. Not just any bed...we know that not all beds are created equal.
I didn't get to sleep in it much Saturday night as I waited up for kids coming home from a band trip. I didn't get in bed until after 3:00am that night/morning, so the next night I was feeling quite grateful for my bed.
The week we stayed in Seattle was a hard week for many reasons, but one big reason was the bed. We suffered for a few nights and then decided we couldn't take it anymore and purchased a memory foam topper. The bed was much better after that but it still wasn't our bed. I think I'm becoming a bit picky about my bed! Ah Oh!
Some may wonder what kind a bed we have and want one just like it. I assure you that it is nothing special as to the brand or style or size. It's just ours, in our bedroom, in our home, in our part of the world. I've even complained about our bed before and wondered about buying a new one. I suppose that will happen some day, but I am still happy to have our bed (not as bad as some others we've slept on) to climb into at night.