Welcome to MY STUFF ROOM - a space for my collection of STUFF ... STUFF GALORE ... GALORE-IOUS STUFF! ... INSPIRING STUFF I find online, and maybe even some STUFF I create myself. It's all Stuff that makes for a Creatively Galore-ious Day! ... Thanks to all who share their talents! I love to see it ... it truly inspires.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Consider the Blessings

A great message to consider - always, but especially as we begin this Thanksgiving month
"Our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for assistance.
... rather than dwelling on the negative, if we will take a step back and consider the blessings in our lives, including seemingly small, sometimes overlooked blessings, we can find greater happiness.
... take an inventory of your life and look specifically for the blessings, large and small, you have received.
...  joy comes as we recognize that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father through prayer and that those prayers will be heard and answered ..., by a Heavenly Father who knows and loves us perfectly and who desires our happiness.
 ... the Lord’s purposes are often accomplished as we pay heed to the guidance of the Spirit.
... never postpone a prompting
The opportunity to be a blessing in the life of another often comes unexpectedly.
... our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and will help us as we call upon Him for assistance. I believe that no concern of ours is too small or insignificant.
The Lord is in the details of our lives.
... the Lord is in all of our lives. He loves us. He wants to bless us. He wants us to seek His help. As He guides us and directs us and as He hears and answers our prayers, we will find the happiness here and now that He desires for us. May we be aware of His blessings in our lives...."

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