DIY Pizza Party post from Rock UR Party

This look is found here

Pizza on Tiers at Creations at Home

Personal Sizes in assorted flavors. From Pinterest

Pizza Bites from Pennies on a Platter

Pepperoni Pizza Puffs from Lick the Bowl Good
Pizza Pinwheels from Quick Dish

Pepperoni Monkey Bread from What's Gaby Cooking

How about Pepperoni Pizza Potato Skins recipe from LaaLoosh

And, Don't Forget the Breadsticks!!
Quick and Easy Breadsticks recipe at Jamie Cooks It Up

And, Don't Forget the Pop!
Our family is big on Rootbeer with Pizza. It's a must have! It's about the only time we drink pop, well, that and Rootbeer Floats. And I'm a big fan of A&W - won't buy anything else! Picky huh! What do you like with your pizza?
You might also like to consider a fruit pizza. There are a lot of recipes for those too. Here is one of our family favorites.

So, I'd better add the veggie version of the above recipe.

And, here's a Ranch Pizza we like to do (because we have to have a tomato free alternative since we have a son that is terribly allergic to tomatoes - strange, but true!). Hey, we like the Ranch Pizza alternative anyway.