Here's a nice look - the sign, the dispensers, the cups on the shelf... at Ruffled

These are my favorite glasses when I see drinks on line. They just look so nice filled with a pretty drink and a fancy straw or stirring stick, some ice and/or fruit. I like them a lot. I find that they are quite expensive though. They are Highball Glasses. Both are from Williams-Sonoma

Keep the bugs out...summer time idea...from Martha Stewart

So Refreshing! Love the Look! DIY for the Sizzle Sticks at Hostess with the Mostess

Another yellow drink ... a recipe from my mother ... Banana Slush.

Here is the recipe for this delicious yellow slushy drink.
Mix together the following ingredients:
12 oz can frozen orange juice
6 oz can lemon juice or lemonade
48 oz can pineapple juice
4 cups sugar
6 cups water
5 ripe bananas, mashed
Add 7-up before serving. It will take about 6 large bottles for this mixture.
Rainbow drink pictured on Cutest Food
It's just frozen cubes of KoolAid with 7-up or Sprite.

Okay, I love this glass too! The color is so cute and the crystal sugared rim is such a fun touch to top off this lovely look. This look is from Brenda's Wedding Blog
I have seen black straws in pink lemonade or in yellow lemonade and they are so cute.

Though these are my favorite glasses, I also love the look of jars and bottles. Oh so much fun!
And I love the paper straws - have I already said that? From

They are making those cute straws longer now. I'm so glad ... longer means they will fit the bottles I have.
The Sugar Diva
Fun and cute covered can to hold the drink and utensils from Organizing Made Fun

Apple juice or cider with cinnamon sugared rim is really fun. Didn't save and can't find this site. Oh my!

Cider in a jar with twine and cinnamon from Pinterest

Lovin' the warm drinks for the cold weather. Here's a few ideas.
10 Warm and Wonderful Slow Cooker Drinks from BHG (I won't use all of them due to an alcoholic ingredient, but I like the idea of the slow cooker keeping it warm.
The pink and yellow are so sweet together. imgfave

I love bottles and straws, and they look so cute in this box/drawer at Style Me Pretty

These jars look big enough that they could be the refill pitchers at each table for a great summer gathering. Project Wedding

So Cute!

Martha Stewart

Wrapped in Denim. Postcards and Pretties

Colorful drinks at Green Wedding Shoes

Simple cute - string/sisal with a button. Green Wedding Shoes

Lovin' the fruit look and surely the flavor too.
Flavored Water from Jamie Oliver

These colors work anytime, but are great for fall! Pinterest

Apple slices in the dispenser from Pinterest

Love the apple slice on an apple cider. The look from Creative Culinary

Simply Blueberry. Wedding Wire

I think the blueberries would be great in this
White Punch (It's clear, not white! If spilled it doesn't stain!)
6 oz. Limeade concentrate diluted as directed on package
8 cups water
3 cups sugar
Freeze to slush.
2 quarts 7-up.