Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

“God can't give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing.”

image from here
"This is Easter morning. This is the Lord’s day, when we celebrate the greatest victory of all time, the victory over death.
Those who hated Jesus thought they had put an end to Him forever when the cruel spikes pierced His quivering flesh and the cross was raised on Calvary. But this was the Son of God, with whose power they did not reckon. Through His death came the Resurrection and the assurance of eternal life."
Other great links include:
Read [Our] Prophet's Testimony
President Monson shares his testimony of and gratitude for the Savior’s Resurrection and declares that because the Son conquered death, all of the Father’s children who come to earth will live again.
an Easter message / video from Jeffrey R. Holland


Testimonies of Jesus Christ video


His Sacred Name - An Easter Declaration
(another great video) 

   Happy Easter!  

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Celebrate April!

While cleaning my files I found a folder full of fun and silly reasons to make your day a special day ... things to celebrate ... every day ... any day. I remember having some fun with these years ago, using some of these ideas for a while before forgetting about them. I've found a few more and thought they'd be a fun addition to the blog. Some of these are quite ridiculous, but several are great for family fun, for preschool fun, for party fun, or just for fun!
Happy Celebrating!

Birthstone is Diamond, White Sapphire (meaning Innocence)
Flower is Daisy, Sweet Pea
- Nat'l Woodworking Month
- Nat'l Humor Month
- PAW / Pets Are Wonderful Month
- International Guitar Month
- Keep America Beautiful Month
- Lawn and Garden Month
- Car Care Month
- Frog Month
- Easter (March or April - the third Sunday in the paschal lunar month)

- 1st week is Library Week
- 2nd week is Garden Week
- 3rd week is Organize Your Files Week
- 1st Monday is Sweet Potato Day
- 3rd Monday is Patriot's Day
- Last Friday is Arbor Day
- April Fool's Day
- Nat'l Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
- Children's Book Day
- Nat'l Chocolate Mousse Day
- Pony Express began delivering mail in 1860
- Chocolate Milk Powder Day (1828)
- Dandelion Day
- Post-It Notes released 1980
- No Housework Day
- Caramel Popcorn Day
- World Health Day
- First Public Library Opened in 1833
- Nat'l Sibling Day
- Nat'l Cheese Fondue Day 
- Nat'l Licorice Day
- Scrabble Day
- Nat'l Pecan Day
- Husband Appreciation Day
- Leonardo Da Vinci's Birthday (b1452)
- Nat'l Eggs Benedict Day
- Nat'l Cheese Ball Day
- Nat'l Garlic Day 
- Nat'l Chocolate Covered Cashews Day
- Earth Day
- Nat'l Jelly Bean Day
- Nat'l Zucchini Bread Day
- William Shakespeare's Birthday (1564)
- Nat'l Crayola Day
- Hug a Friend Day
- Nat'l Pretzel day
- Nat'l Tell a Story Day
- Zipper Day

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Out in the Yard

Hose Post from Mini Manor Blog - great idea for several places in the yard. I love a clean and organized look. I think I should make one of these ..., or two of these ..., maybe even three!


 This is a great place for out in the yard.  Wouldn't any child love this Queenslander play area seen at CubbyKraft  (FYI - there is a similar, but smaller one, called Redwood that's fun too.  But, don't stop there, because there are many different play areas - all sizes and styles and fun. Inspiring fun!  All at Australian Cubby Houses


I like this look from 123 Home Improvement


Lovely!  I like it all, but saved the look mostly for the floor/ground
From Gypsy Purple Home


A few weeks ago a Pinterest Weekly email shared a Garden Board that had a few photos that attracted my attention.
I love this look -
the old wood, the blue door, the twigs and twines and autumn colored leaves, the wood above the entrance that reads Tangled Garden, the brick entrance flooring ...,
found here

I love this raised bed garden wonderfully wrapped with a fence and building.
found here


I have some raised garden beds in my backyard.  I've thought about putting a fence in the back to separate the equipment yard from the garden, but I figure that will just give one more place for weeds to collect or something to break down and need repair, so I haven't done it.  We do have an awesome strawberry box/fence in front of the garden and I love it.  Part of the strawberry box and the garden boxes can be seen in this post.  Maybe someday when our yard is a bit cleaner I can post another photo of that area.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You Choose ...

“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Abraham Lincoln

... or ...

image from here

Those two quotes from the same person differ a bit, but the message is the same -

Choose to be Happy!


 and this quote (and bit of wisdom) from The Daily Quipple

You always ALWAYS have a choice.

"It’s true. No matter what, you always have a choice – how to react, how to respond, how to feel, what kind of person to be. When you really understand this, there are no more excuses, but a whole world of possibility opens up to you. What choices will you make today?"

again ...

Choose to be Happy!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Mud Bar

This is a great idea for an outdoor play area - summer time is coming up! 
Mud Bar found at b. organic


Math Trick

Our family found this math problem several years ago and each of us did it - and it worked for everyone, even if we didn't have change in our pocket.  It's just a fun little thing to do.
your age x 2
+ 5
x 50
- 365
+ the loose change in your pocket under $1.00
+ 115
The first 2 figures in the answer are your age
the last 2 are the change in your pocket

Monday, March 25, 2013

Picnics and Parties

Here are a couple cute looks worth saving for later.

I love using boxes instead of plates for serving food ... this look is from JDC
I tried boxes once (here) and really had some fun with it, and helped with another (here).


Here's a salad served in berry boxes.
From Thoughtfully Simple
(check it out to see where to purchase them)

If you wanna see a little more about berry boxes check this out.
And learn how to make a similar look using a paper plate here.
A few ideas can be found at this post -  they used bowls to serve the picnic food in - so cute. I love the look, though it would be a bit more spendy to purchase enough cute bowls for a large crowd.

Fun jean vase covers from Something Green
I love the colors used here!
I love the outdoor dining!
... this whole look is adorable ...


Sunday, March 24, 2013


 I found this quote on a post it note on my desk.  I don't know where or when I heard it, but I guess I liked it and wrote it down.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts
image from HERE
 It was followed by this

"Don't let the past dictate who you become."

There is some truth to that, but I'm not sure I agree with it completely.  As I was searching for a source I found this that seems to be a bit more agreeable to my thinking.

Don’t let your past dictate who you are, but let it be a lesson that strengthens the person you will become.
image from HERE
The first quote is by Winston Churchill - for that quote and other quotes by him, like the one below, click HERE
is a little thing
that makes a big

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Kitchen Kind of Hideaway

Look at what I just found -
I don't foresee that we will ever build ourselves another home, but if we did, this would be a most important feature or room added to any plan we might choose.
Kitchen Decorated for Christmas
Isn't it awesome!  Oh wait, you haven't seen the awesome yet.
Forget the kitchen ..., nice as it might be, that's not what I'm lovin'.
Wait until you see what is behind the tall cupboard doors where that arrow is pointing.
Wanna open those doors and see what's behind them? Let's do that -
Shelves ...
a sink ...
small appliances ...
Dish Pantry-Storage for China
and more shelves (and of course the beautiful things on them) ...
Dishware Pantry-Storage for China
and more shelves and baskets ...
Flatware, Napkin Rings, and Dishware Storage
Isn't that an awesome surprise?  Love what is behind those closed doors!
I found this awesome kitchen and pantry at Between Naps on the Porch
(there are a couple more photos there)
I think every room in the house needs a walk in closet like this.  I should start drawing up some house plans with that special feature.  ;)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Garland

I thought I was done with my spring and Easter decor, but I added a bit bit more spring color to the room by putting garland on back of our bench.

My color selection was determined by the color of leftover pre-cut strips of fabric we had used in a previous craft (here).  I couldn't cut more strips if I already had some small pieces to use, so here it is.  It does add some fun color to the room, even though it still has some dark/brown color to it.  I am happy with it, especially since I used only what I had - this cost me no money, just time - about an hour.

and a little closer up

(FYI - after seeing my photo, I went and sagged my garland just a little more, and it looks better, but no time for another photo.  Just had to share that bit of info.)


I hesitate to show it, but this was my inspiration - found here - it's lovely isnt' it! So nice and cheery!

Cabinet Curtains

These three neutral colors are from Atticmag.  They look pretty good!

Italian country kitchen with linen skirts on cabinets

designer kitchen with shirred fabric on rings as skirt for an island

magazine show house kitchen with striped skirted Schumacher fabric on cabinets


Linen or Burlap looks are always nice.  This comes from Vintage Rose Brocante. I like this color scheme too.  I like the overall look of this room.


Flour sack dishcloth linen stripes from Katy Elliot

These two stripes are from Small Notebook

Ruffles in color from here


A vintage floral look from Dottie Angel


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fabric Backdrop

 Here is a simple and lovely back drop idea from Decor8
I like the variety and options here, with wide strips of fabric layered and staggered together.

Balloon Background

Usually when we see balloons we see them in bright colors, but these are a lovely white, with soft color coming from other things.  It's a peaceful feel.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy First Day of Spring!
I put my Easter Decor up!  Woo Hoo!  I think it's done!
Wanna see it?  I'll share!
First -
I have wanted to paint my shelves in the entrance hall.  They are so dark and it's hard to see things in them (maybe it's my eyes too, but I wanted to brighten it up some). 
(The furniture is mostly empty because I was getting ready to put Easter decor up.)
Hubby really likes the wood look and thinks it destroys the look if I paint over that beautiful wood. I planned on leaving the largest, lightest wood unit (on the right) the way it is.  Hubby gave it to me several years ago and I wouldn't dream of "ruining" his gift to me. 
I like wood look too, but it's so dark, and it's everywhere in my home.  What to do? 
(Okay, so the photos above don't show how dark it seems - it was a nice sunny day when I took the photo, and the flash of the camera brightens it, so it's not helping me make my point.  
Still, I wanted to lighten things up.  I've wondered about painting the whole piece, painting just the inside of the shelf areas, or painting the whole piece two colors - one for the outside and one for the inside (like a couple I've shown here and here).
I decided that before I paint I will try a less "destructive" and permanent approach.  I like to please my hubby! (really though, I'm not sure that paper pleases him either, but ..., at least I didn't paint them ... yet!)
You can tell it's still a bit dark, but it's a colorful dark. 
And did you see that chick bowl - love it!
(don't mind the fallen drawer pull on the sewing stand - it's just an oversight on my part - gotta get that fixed.  I'll probably do it backwards - take the photo, post the photo, then fix the silly thing.  Oh bother!)
My inspiration was from here.
I just used paper from my scrap pile (except the larger pieces in the largest armoire).  That way I wouldn't destroy my whole sheets of paper - especially since I wasn't sure if I'd like it.
I've done something similar before, with only one style and color of paper, but this idea intrigued me, and with spring in the air I needed to try it.
(and, side note - I love that bowl on the second shelf - love it!)
Well, I'm feeling happy that my Spring and Easter decor is up, and it's more cheery and colorful inside.  I'll love it for the rest of the month and then decide again what to do with those dark pieces of furniture.  Hmmm!
Oh, here is how I finished the look on my game table, where I showed the berries stems in yesterday's post.
And, just for fun, I'm adding a few other looks in my Easter decor:
This other cute little chick bowl sits on my sofa table.  I like to have candy in bowl, but it's too tempting and messy for the grandchildren, so I put something else in the bowls to let them play with.  This time it's these cute bead necklaces  in fun Easter/Spring colors (Akleigh especially loves necklaces).

 I have a table with two chairs beside my love seat that the grandkids can use.  It houses paper, crayons and children's magazines (Auger especially loves this table).  For this season it also houses these cute bunnies.
Nest  Next up, is this collection of bunnies and other stuffed animals (of the Easter and Spring variety) nesting together in a large basket on a chair. It's an old chair from a grandparent that I don't like to have used too much anyway, so this fits there perfectly.
(okay, there is one non-animal in the mix - it's a jellybean ..., and I love Jelly Belly for sure!)

Lovin' the day!
Lovin' the holiday!
Lovin' the color!

Bunny Tails and Bunny Bait

These treats from Pizzazzerie should be a big hit for Easter.
I think the thing that makes them the cutest is the card displaying their name - Bunny Tails!
How to make CUTE Easter Bunny Tail Treats!

Another cute name - Bunny Bait, for these treats seen at I Heart Nap Time
 easter printable treat bags


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easter and Spring Decor

Wood decor kits from Pebbles in my Pocket
... so cute and colorful! 

List your spring or Easter favorites on a board and display it like this one found at A Little Tipsy


or create this wooden banner seen at The Happy Scraps


Flowers in boots are always a cute look to help welcome spring.

from doozie

rubber boots, fresh flower arranging, arrangement of flowers, floral, polka dot green rubber boots with flowers in them, yellow rose, orange lily, Have you thought about anything wonderful today?


If I had a cute pair of boots I would have put these flowers in them.

or these .... this look isn't complete yet. 
I'm still trying to get Easter decor out and not sure what will happen with this area, but I love these pink berries.

Did you notice the boots filled with flowers in the background? Probably not! (it's so dark)  I'll show them close up.
They have been there awhile and are still partly filled with the flowers originally put in them for my father-in-laws funeral, July 2011.  I have stuffed a few other things in as the real flowers died. They are not colorful boots, but real work boots worn by that special man.

there is a cute little nest tucked away in the foliage

Now, back to more color -
a fence adorned with boots filled with flowers?
here, in an earlier post.

