Wednesday, July 31, 2013

muffins are healthy

Just a cute little thought for the day!  It's good for a smile!? ;)
I can buy this
as seen on Pinterest

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Celebrate August!

While cleaning my files I found a folder full of fun and silly reasons to make your day a special day ... things to celebrate ... every day ... any day. I remember having some fun with these years ago, using some of these ideas for a while before forgetting about them. I've found a few more and thought they'd be a fun addition to the blog. Some of these are quite ridiculous, but several are great for family fun, for preschool fun, for party fun, or just for fun!

Happy Celebrating!

Birthstone is Saradonyx, Peridot (meaning Married Happiness)
Flower of the month is Gladiolus and Poppy
- Nat'l Golf Month
- Happiness Happens Month
- Nat'l Peach Month
 - Sandwich Month
- Admit You're Happy Month
- Family Fun Month
- Nat'l Picnic Month
- American Adventures Month
- 1st week is Nat'l Simplify your Life Week
- 2nd week is Nat'l Smile Week
- 3rd week is Friendship Week
- 4th week is Be Kind to Humankind Week
- Nat'l Scrabble Week is 11 thru 15
- 1st Sunday is Friendship Day
- Homemade Pie Day
- Nat'l Raspberry Cream Pie Day
- Nat'l Ice Cream Sandwich Day  
- Nat'l Watermelon Day
- Wiggle Your Toes Day 
- Nat'l Root Beer Float Day
- Nat'l Lighthouse Day 
- Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day
- Happiness Happens Day
- Book Lover's Day
- Lazy Day
- Nat'l S'mores Day 
- Play in the Sand Day 
- Nat'l Creamsicle Day
- Relaxation Day
- Tell a Joke Day
- Nat'l Thrift Shop Day
- Nat'l Soft Ice Cream Day
- Potato Day
- Sandcastle and Sculpture Day
- Lemonade Day
- Christopher Robin's Birthday (1920) [this day]
- Senior Citizen's Day
- Be an Angel Day
- Nat'l Waffle Day
- Nat'l Second Hand Wardrobe Day
- Nat'l Dog Day
- Just Because Day
- Mary Poppins released 1964
- Nat'l Toasted Marshmallow Day
- Nat'l Trail Mix Day
- Eat Outside Day

Sunday, July 28, 2013

God is Always Right!

My concern is not whether God is on our side;
my greatest concern is to be on God’s side for God is always right.
— Abraham Lincoln

When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives.

Ezra Taft Benson 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Garden Delight

Love this garden from Rustic Wedding Chic
If I had a garden like this I would put my old fridge in it too!
There is so much I like about this rustic look - the color, the old swing, the pathway and edging, the wood post things (what are those called anyway?), the trees, and even the dryness of it all because that would mean I'd be able to grow things in my garden without worrying about watering them. ;)

California vintage style wedding location

Maybe we could walk thru a lovely gate door like this, from Houzz, into a beautiful garden ...


Maybe we could find a beautiful mossy chair (from google) in the garden behind that door above

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Globes of Beauty

Love these - from Utterly Engaged - yarn balls, paper doily balls, lace doily balls - great character.
The colors and the textures combine for a beautiful look.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cheer Up!

 happiest are the people who give most happiness to others
- dennis diderot

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Painting Fabric Furniture

Have you tried painting fabric furniture?
Tulip Fabric Spray Paint

It looks like a great idea for this chair.
From Pinterist Addict, with a follow-up post too.

clay plate/bowl

Learn how to make this great bowl/plate, from here.
(You will most likely need to translate it before reading - I did - but I think there might be something lost in translation.)

For the love of a doily!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Light Strand Garland

Put shades on your strands of lights for a fun and colorful look.
I've shown this look before, but here it is again, with fabric (not paper) and with plastic cups (not paper).  From Rebeccas DIY.

My Mainbath - part 3 - To Do

What changes will take place in my main bath?
This is the list I created for the redo ...
(the revised version, after deciding to not remove the shower and wall - the list was twice as long before the revision - whew, it feels so much easier now)
You'll notice that I have only crossed out three things so far. That's all I have completed.
I'm not movin' so fast huh!  One step at a time, and if baby steps are all I can do, then baby steps will have to do.
stronger ceiling fan,

- remove wallpaper, (see this post)
- paint walls,
- paint sink cupboard white,
paint the mirror,
- new sink and faucet,
- replace back splash,
- tall stand beside sink (to replace the blonde shelving I had there not visible in any photo I have - sorry!),
- remove cupboard at shower wall and set a cupboard/shelving unit there to store towels and misc,
- place a small unit under the window,

- change ceiling light,
- change light over mirror,
-  remove towel rack,
- purchase something like a quilt stand rack for the towels,
- put trim on floor in front of tub to help hold flooring in place,
- new floor mats,
- new shower and tub curtains,
- new window covering,
- accessorize!

Did you notice the three pieces of furniture on the TO DO list for the redo?
Here is some inspiration I found for those pieces.
They are from I Heart Organizing 
This first one would work great to the left of my sink.
This next photo is just like my pie safe in my kitchen, only my pie safe is not this awesome yellow ... yet.   It is a dark stain, but it sure looks good in yellow doesn't it.  My pie safe has wire fronts instead of glass, but I could easily change that too.  This unit would work nicely in the area where I take out the existing towel cupboard.
I love the color of this next unit, though it's not the size I need for my bathroom. The glass doors are appealing to me here too. 
I am trying to do this bathroom make-over with as little cost as possible.  So, I'm searching my house for things I already have and can use there.  That is tricky in itself, because if I have a piece of furniture in my house it is filled with something, so what will I do with the things that are in it if I move it somewhere else?  And, what will I put in it's place?  What will be my least expensive move and change?
It's going to be interesting!
I'm lovin' the ideas we're having!
I need to go do some window shopping ..., 
and maybe even purchase a thing or two.

I definitely have some decisions to make!


Sunday, July 21, 2013


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.”

The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge;
and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. 

image from here

“The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.”
Skills, Knowledge, Abilities
image from here
Of all the knowledge we can gain,
the most important is a testimony of Jesus Christ,
His divine mission, and His gospel.
To gain this testimony, we should continually study the scriptures, pray, and live righteously.
All the knowledge we obtain will not matter unless we have understood and obeyed the saving principles of the gospel.
Full Message found here
and includes this

“True education consists not merely in the
acquiring of a few facts of science, history, literature or art, but in the development of character. …
True education trains in self-denial and self-mastery. True education regulates the temper, subdues passion and makes obedience to social laws and moral order a guiding principle of life. …
“… The objective of education is to
develop resources in the student that will contribute to his well-being as long as life endures”
(Secrets of a Happy Life, comp. Llewelyn R. McKay [1967], 46–47).

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Family Reunions

Family reunions bridge generations and remind us of our roots.

Don't you just love a good family reunion?

Here is a list of links that have some great ideas for planning a family reunion (check them all - they are all different):

40 Amazing Ideas from Echoes of Laughter

Planning a Family Reunion from the Party Pail Blog
I saw this on Pinterest and thought it would be a fun idea for a family reunion, especially for the evening fun.

 Make a family reunion quilt, like this one from
Creative Chicks at Play


How about a family letter as seen on Pinterest
Created for our Family reunion: wooden letter, photos & modpop

Souvenir books idea here
Article:  Family Reunion Ideas: Spruce up your family reunion souvenir book  #family #familyreunion
 I planned and presented at our 2010 reunion.
There is a tab for the agenda too, if you are interested.

One more thing -

We just learned about Kubb.  It's been around, but not in our yard until recently.  It's a fun yard game one of our sons just taught us. We thought it would be a great game for our next family reunion.

 Learn about the game at Kubb Spiel (after you translate the page).

Kubb Spielanleitung:  Wurf A1

The Best Backyard Games shares a great list of yard games, and includes Kubb in it's list.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Appetizers, Hors D'oeuvres, Party Foods

You'll find several Mouth Watering ideas at Chef In Training
like these avocado fries


buffalo chicken bites


pineapple cheese ball


cheddar bacon ranch pulls


and bloomin' onion bread

There are some Unique Wedding Hors D'oeuvres at Brides
like these mini burgers on a skewer.

and Shepherds Pie Puffs

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Another Canopy

Here is a bright and colorful ribbon canopy chandelier seen on Pinterest 

My Mainbath Redo - part 2 - Color

What colors to use?

We are keeping the gray countertop and tiles and the flooring will remain (it is white with gray lines).

We will be painting walls and cupboards and other furniture pieces.  Looking for fun, but relaxing color.

We were thinking blues -
So here are some blues and grays from The Creativity Exchange

And these from Favorite Paint Colors
 This aqua or turquoise blue/green from Sand & Sisal is beautiful and calming, yet happy  - a look we really like. 

We have made a bit of a change in our thinking, and
we are now thinking lavender...
with some accent colors ...

Here is a lovely lavender wall from Colormatch


decor8 shows these two rooms - the room on the left has the lavender walls and the blue rug - lavender and blue ..., that appeals to me.


I don't care for the bright yellow in this next picture, but I like the other two colors together.


Here is a lovely lavender wall from Apartment Therapy 
I like the additional colors here - though the brown surprises me.  I also need a bit more dusty or distressed green for the look I'm hoping to create.


This next room is a lovely combo from homedit.   I almost need to redo a bedroom to match this look.  We love it!  We just don't have a room that would look as lovely as this.

I like the back wall looking a bit beige - it seems to help calm the colors in the room and make it warm and inviting.
The color of the wall behind the door helps me see how a green piece of furniture would look against the wall,
 and the blue-ish throw on the chaise can help give an idea of a blue piece of furniture with this color combo.
The dark purple color in the pillows adds a lovely touch too.
The whites are a must!


Though it is too dark for what I am wanting, I like this wall with the texture or aged look, and the combination of colors from other things create a rustic and interesting look.


My Interior Inspirations shares this lavender room.
This lavender seems a little light, and the green luv seat seems a little dark, but I like the green wooden chairs, and of course, the white furniture. 


I love this shower curtain from Zillow
and the deeper purple frame on the mirror is awesome.


 A lavender or purple and green, and blue from The Decorologist
This includes black, but I think I like white a bit better for our smaller room.

While we are at it, look at this color combo (from the above site)

 Well, we've got some work to do.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


image from here

“It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.” 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Girls Camp Reminiscing

We have been thinking "Girls Camp" lately, because this is the week for it again for our girls - and my daughter is one of them, possibly attending her last camp as a youth.
It has reminded me of the fun times I have had as a leader at girls camp.  (I didn't go very often as a youth, because I usually had family visiting and chose to be with them instead.) 
My plan was originally to share one camp idea here today, but that plan evolved into sharing several of the themes and ideas.
(The last one is the one I was originally planning to share.) 
I will not share photos of the girls on this site so my photos are quite limited since most of them include the girls, but there are a few things I can share, especially for those I was more involved in. 
Maybe these themes will help others with ideas for their camps, reunions, parties, or other gatherings.  They have each been fun themes for us at girls camp.
You've Got a Friend In Me
- red bandanas & hats / Woody style
Be All That You Can Be
- army & camo style
- a lot of flags and red, white & blue banners
Daughters of Brightness 
- Native American style
- camp name was Village of Reflections
 - each of the girls and leaders chose a personal Indian name
- we created a reflection pool in our camp entrance
- dream catchers for everyone
- awards were Minipoka  (meaning Favored Children) Awards
- homemade key chain (using leather, feathers and beads) for each of the girls
Pirates of the Caribbean / In Search of Treasures of The Heart
- pirates style, of course
- started with a treasure hunt where the girls found a treasure chest to store their camp trinkets and favors or treasures
- made sock monkeys  
- created a place to "walk the plank" with a blow up alligator beside it
- "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"
- created a message in a bottle
Disney World - Where Dreams Come True
"If it is to be ... It is up to me ..." was the main theme
- Disney characters
- displayed a large poster full of many great quotes from Disney movies and Walt Disney himself, and also compared some characters to traits that would be worth developing or worth staying away from.
(Shown below is a smaller 2 page version for each of the girls scrapbooks)
Here are some of those quotes:
"Have faith in your dreams and some-day your rainbow will come smiling thru, no matter how your heart is grieving if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."  (Cinderella)
"All it takes is Faith and Trust"  (Peter Pan)
"Don't spend your time looking around for something you want that can't be found."  (Jungle Book)
"A man should never neglect his family ..."  (Walt Disney)
"Bring honor to us all!"  (Mulan)
"Never forget who you are or who's you are. It only leads to sorrow."  (Lion King)
First you must prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish .... You must learn to choose between right and wrong."   (Pinocchio)
"Now, you see, the world is full of temptations. Yep. Temptations."   (Pinocchio)
"Always let your conscience be your guide!"    (Pinocchio)
This is the poster created for our snack table at girls camp - more fun Disney quotes ... about food ... just for fun!

- We enjoyed themed devotionals, meals, activities, etc. - including :  
Once upon a time / Write your own story
 Princess party / Become the woman of your dreams
Hero party / You're Incredible!
Topsy Turvy
Pizza Planet
Mad Hatter party / un-birthday party
Heavenly Ever After
Happy Endings
Well, it's been fun to reminisce ...
thanks for sharing the time with me.