Monday, July 22, 2013

My Mainbath - part 3 - To Do

What changes will take place in my main bath?
This is the list I created for the redo ...
(the revised version, after deciding to not remove the shower and wall - the list was twice as long before the revision - whew, it feels so much easier now)
You'll notice that I have only crossed out three things so far. That's all I have completed.
I'm not movin' so fast huh!  One step at a time, and if baby steps are all I can do, then baby steps will have to do.
stronger ceiling fan,

- remove wallpaper, (see this post)
- paint walls,
- paint sink cupboard white,
paint the mirror,
- new sink and faucet,
- replace back splash,
- tall stand beside sink (to replace the blonde shelving I had there not visible in any photo I have - sorry!),
- remove cupboard at shower wall and set a cupboard/shelving unit there to store towels and misc,
- place a small unit under the window,

- change ceiling light,
- change light over mirror,
-  remove towel rack,
- purchase something like a quilt stand rack for the towels,
- put trim on floor in front of tub to help hold flooring in place,
- new floor mats,
- new shower and tub curtains,
- new window covering,
- accessorize!

Did you notice the three pieces of furniture on the TO DO list for the redo?
Here is some inspiration I found for those pieces.
They are from I Heart Organizing 
This first one would work great to the left of my sink.
This next photo is just like my pie safe in my kitchen, only my pie safe is not this awesome yellow ... yet.   It is a dark stain, but it sure looks good in yellow doesn't it.  My pie safe has wire fronts instead of glass, but I could easily change that too.  This unit would work nicely in the area where I take out the existing towel cupboard.
I love the color of this next unit, though it's not the size I need for my bathroom. The glass doors are appealing to me here too. 
I am trying to do this bathroom make-over with as little cost as possible.  So, I'm searching my house for things I already have and can use there.  That is tricky in itself, because if I have a piece of furniture in my house it is filled with something, so what will I do with the things that are in it if I move it somewhere else?  And, what will I put in it's place?  What will be my least expensive move and change?
It's going to be interesting!
I'm lovin' the ideas we're having!
I need to go do some window shopping ..., 
and maybe even purchase a thing or two.

I definitely have some decisions to make!