Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today is A Grateful Heart Thursday, where I share one positive thing that happened this week - a happy thing, a kind thing, a tender mercy, a small and simple something that happened, bringing a smile to my face and to my heart, helping me recognize the hand of the Lord in every minute of my life.

After a couple weeks away we were traveling home, anxious to get to the house, when just a few miles away we saw one of our fields and noticed it was over half harvested. 
That was a wonderful sight to see.  Our boys are being good stewards and we are grateful for their good efforts.

Home is where our heart is
and home includes all that is ours.
We are so happy to have it.

 Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Celebrate November!

While cleaning my files I found a folder full of fun and silly reasons to make your day a special day ... things to celebrate ... every day ... any day. I remember having some fun with these years ago, using some of these ideas for a while before forgetting about them. I've found a few more and thought they'd be a fun addition to the blog. Some of these are quite ridiculous, but several are great for family fun, for preschool fun, for party fun, or just for fun!

Happy Celebrating!

Birthstone is Topaz, Citrine or Aquamarine (meaning Fidelity)
Flower of the month is Chrysanthemum
- Nat'l Pomegranate Month
- Nat'l Adoption Month
- Nat'l Novel Writing Month
- Peanut Butter Lovers Month
- Aviation History Month
- 3rd week is Game and Puzzle Week
- 1st Tuesday after the first Monday is Election Day
- 1st Saturday is Book Lovers Day 
- 4th Thursday is Thanksgiving
- Black Friday is day after Thanksgiving
- Cyber Monday is Monday after Thanksgiving
- All Saint's Day
- Deviled Egg Day
- Look for Circles Day
- Housewife's Day
- Sandwich Day
- Candy Day
- Marooned without a Compass Day
- Nat'l Saxophone Day
- Hug a Bear Day 
- Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
- Forget-Me-Not Day 
- Veteran's Day 
- Chicken Soup For the Soul Day
- Nat'l Indian Pudding Day
- Nat'l Guacamole Day
- Clean Your Refrigerator Day
- America Recycles Day
- Button Day
- Have a Party With Your Bear Day
- Homemade Bread Day
- Take a Hike Day
- Have a Bad Day Day (really?)
- Beautiful Day
- World Hello Day
- Go For A Ride Day
- Eat a Cranberry Day
- Nat'l Cashew Day
- Nat'l Parfait Day
- Pins and Needles Day
- Square Dance Day
- Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homemade Paper Envelopes

Here is a tutorial showing how to make these cute envelopes.
Imagine them with cute Halloween paper ...
or beautiful fall Thanksgiving paper ...
or sparkling Christmas paper ...
great treat or favor bags or even for little note cards or tags ...
This comes from Poppytalk

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mini Desserts

Taste of Home has a post with some Favorite Mini Desserts that look great.
Here are a few I really would like to try -
Jam-Topped Mini Cheesecakes
Mini Key Lime and Coconut Pies
Mini Pineapple Upside-Down Cakes
Mini Caramel Cheesecakes


And from Cooking Classy comes this  

No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecakes with Caramel Sauce

No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecakes with Caramel Sauce | Cooking Classy

Aren't these some fine looking fall desserts?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

... we need more women ...

I appreciate this quote about women and had this waiting in my box to post someday,
image from here

 It was great to hear it mentioned by
D. Todd Christofferson in his message titled The Moral Force of Women, given at LDS General Conference, Oct. 2013.

Here is one quote from his message -

"... it is your relationship with God, your Heavenly Father, who is the source of your moral power, that you must always put first in your life."


Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Lovely Tier and A Lovely Site

I found this lovely idea
and it led me to a new site that is different than many others I've seen. The Graphics Fairy has some wonderful ideas and some clip art and prints that can be freely used.
Botanical Almond Flower Print
She also has some great DIY Tutorials
Make Painted Doily Plates
I can't show everything she has, so go ahead and check it out! 
You just might get smitten!

It's definitely a place I'd like to remember when I'm in a creating mood and have some creating time.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Single Bed Room = Tender Mercy

Today is A Grateful Heart Thursday, where I share one positive thing that happened this week - a happy thing, a kind thing, a tender mercy, a small and simple something that happened, bringing a smile to my face and to my heart, helping me recognize the hand of the Lord in every minute of my life.

My husband had to spend the night in the hospital after a sinus surgery.  They had warned me that the hospital didn't allow people to stay the night with the patients unless they were in a single bed room, but they didn't have very many single rooms, so I was concerned ..., all day long ....
They called me back to walk to his room with him after surgery and they took us into a single bed room. I could have cheered right then and there, but I resisted the urge.
I even had a chair that pulled out into a bed for the evening.  It was hard but better than just a chair. They gave me a pillow, a sheet and a few blankets, so that was very nice.

We walked around the hall of that wing for his exercise several times and were able to see the other rooms.  Many had four beds, many had two, but as we think back on it we cannot think of any other single bed rooms on that wing, but there were a couple rooms with closed doors, maybe those were single bed.  But we got one! 
This room was a Tender Mercy for sure!
I am so grateful for it. 
This ended up being a really tough day for other reasons I cannot explain and I really needed to be with Terry to visit about some things and just be together.  This room helped make things better.
Being with my husband is always a blessing.  So ..., TWO BLESSINGS IN ONE DAY!  ;)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Always find a reason ...

Always find a reason to SMILE!
Always find a reason to smile, always.
image from here

Here's a little extra something I found this morning and wanted to share.  Click the link for "Best Coin Ever Spent" - it's awesome to see people blessing lives is such grand yet simple ways.  Watch and listen and it will surely bring a smile to your face and your heart.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blue Jean Pumpkin

awesome jeans ... or, I mean awesome pumpkin
Denim Pumpkin on Screened Porch
If pumpkins aren't your thing, but jeans are, then check out Denim Do Over for more ways to repurpose your jeans.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blue Beverage

I was looking for a blue punch a while ago and found a few recipes, (see Turquoise Lemonade) but here is one I just saw - from Toni Spilsbury that looks good.
It might not be the perfect time of year for blue punch, but if you do a blue Christmas, it might be just right.
Tiffany-Inspired Party Punch
When I was wanting the blue lemonade a while ago I was looking for the little packages of Kool-Aid powder in blue and couldn't find it, even online.  This recipe uses the premixed gallon of juice - maybe I can find that easier!?!?!?!
I think I'll try this someday!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Using all of our strength.

This is a story a friend sent to me thru an email a few weeks ago.  I thought it would make a good post so I copied and saved it. 

Using All Your Strength
A young boy was walking with his father along a country road. When they came across a very large tree branch the boy asked, “Do you think I could move that branch?”

His father answered, “If you use all your strength, I’m sure you can.”
So the boy tried mightily to lift, pull and push the branch but he couldn’t move it. Discouraged he said, “Dad, you were wrong. I can’t do it.”

His dad said, “Try again.” This time, as the boy struggled with the branch his father joined him and together they pushed the branch aside.
“Son,” the father said, “the first time you didn’t use all your strength. You didn’t ask me to help.”

image here

This is an important lesson. There are many things we can’t do alone, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get them done. We all are surrounded by resources that can be mobilized to help us achieve our goals including family, friends and faith. Sometimes we fail to ask for help because of pride or stubbornness. Sometimes we think it’s a sign of weakness to admit we need a hand. And sometimes we don’t even think about asking for help. Whatever the reason, it’s a waste.

It’s important that we learn to use all our strength; this includes inner resources such as discipline, courage and even love. But it also includes outer resources. Just as we should be willing to help others we should be willing to ask the help of others. It’s one of the great things about being human.

Michael Josephson

I heard this story again (or a story quite similar) as I was listen to Terrence M. Vinson speak at General Conference the first weekend of October. It's a very good principle to remember. You can find his complete message HERE. 

Here is just one paragraph from that message he gave -

"The Lord gives us ways to help remember Him and His sustaining powers. One way is through that common lot we all share—adversity (see Alma 32:6).  As I look back at the trials I have faced, it is clear that they have resulted in my growth, understanding, and empathy. They have drawn me closer to my Heavenly Father and His Son with experiences and refining engraved into my heart."

"Our Savior wants us to really love Him to the point that we want to align our will with His. We can then feel His love and know His glory. Then He can bless us as He wants to."

It's almost a duh! thing, but we must remember that using ALL of our strength makes us stronger! and we must remember where we gain all of our strength.  The Lord is my strength.  And sometimes I see good people become His Hands giving me strength. Sometimes I can be His hands helping others. I must be ready and willing at all times to be that person, that helping hand. I must also remember to use all of my strength as I become that helping hand.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yummy Mummies and Ghost Pinatas

Here are a couple fun things for Halloween this year -

Mummy Cans from Family Fun October 2005

Ghost Piñatas from Oh Happy Day

Mini Ghost Piñatas DIY | Oh Happy Day!

Fun times for Halloween!

Friday, October 18, 2013

got candy?

I love the "Got Candy?" saying on a treat bag.
This fun look comes from Whisker Graphics
The witch legs are cute, but that saying could go with any fun design to help make a Happy Halloween for sure!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Pickin'

 A Grateful Heart Post

A Grateful Heart Thursday, where I share one positive thing that happened this week - a happy thing, a kind thing, a tender mercy, a small and simple something that happened, bringing a smile to my face and to my heart, helping me to recognize the hand of the Lord in every minute of my life.

A couple of our grandchildren picked a pumpkin from our garden.

I had been wanting to let them do that for several days now, and it fit perfectly into the day Saturday, even with all the other things on the To Do list. My heart is happy to do this.  Joy abounds!

I love giving these pumpkins to my grandchildren.  I wish all of them could be close enough to let them pick a pumpkin. 

Just a note:
You'll notice that weeding the garden never got to the top of the To Do list the last couple months.  I did however, get to weed the swing / bike box and the fence line of the corral, and they look a lot better. I have piles sitting around that will have to be taken care of later, but piles are better than growing weeds all over.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Happiness Is ...

... something we create ...

image from here

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Cute Costume

DON'T break this piñata - But do fill it with candy!
Pinata - Homemade costumes for kids

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Overcoming Challenges Makes Life Meaningful ...

image from here

"Every morning when we wake up we face a new day filled with the challenges of life."
"As we temporarily endure the challenges we can solve and as we continue to endure the challenges we cannot solve it is important to remember that the spiritual strength we develop will help us successfully endure all of the challenges we face in life."
"The challenges we face, if successfully endured will be for our ultimate good."
"Endurance is an important principle found within the doctrine of Jesus Christ. It is important because the quality of our eternal future is proportional to our ability to endure in righteousness."
"Our ability to endure to the end in righteousness will be
in direct proportion to the strength of our testimony and the
depth of our conversion."
"You must become the rock the river cannot wash away."
image from here

The complete message by Richard J. Maynes about enduring the challenges we have in life, given 6 Oct. 2013, can be found here.


" person has ever been free of suffering or sorrow ..."

"...frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required.  The difficulties which come to us present us with the real test of our ability to endure.
A fundamental question that remains to be answered by each of us, Shall I falter or shall I finish?"  To finish involves enduring to the very end of life itself.

"Keep the Faith!"

"... those who have struggled yet have remained steadfast and of good cheer ...  they have made the Gospel of Jesus Christ the center of their livesThis is what will pull us through whatever comes our way.  We will still experience typical challenges but we will be able to face them, to meet them head on and we will emerge victorious."

"Sadness and suffering are universal.  There are countless problems which could befall us."

"Our Heavenly Father ... knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we survive the trials that come ... difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in the way our Heavenly Father teaches us and become something different than what we were. Better than what we were. More understanding than what we were. More empathetic than what we were .  With stronger testimonies than we had before.  This should be our purpose to persevere and endure ... also become more spiritually refined as we make our way through sunshine and sorrow."

"... the stronger the wind the stronger the trees ..."
"... the further the sky the greater the length
the more the storm the more the strength
by sun and cold, by rain and snow
in trees and man good timbers grow ..."

Only the Master  knows the depth of our trials, our pains and our sufferings.  He alone offers us eternal peace in times of adversity.  He alone touches our tortured soul with His comforting words, Come Unto Me all yea that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest ...."

"He is with us!      Pray to Him and listen to Him every day."

"The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that penetrating light that shines through our lives." 
 Complete message from President Thomas S. Monson, given 6 Oct. 2013, can be heard here.
Success is not to be measured by the position someone has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.
― Booker T. Washington
Okay, one last quote I heard on TV advertisement and liked;
Even the worst things
bring the best along with them.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


This is a cute twine or string pumpkin that can fit most any décor.
It comes from LilyBean.
Love the Look!

She also shares this look -
chenille crafted pumpkins from Sew Sweet Vintage


These are cute too!
or Too Cute!

Here is one more cute look she shares.


They are all so awesome!

And just yesterday I posted about a pumpkin made from upholstery - scroll down to see it or click here.

Who needs a pumpkin patch in the garden with these awesome crafted pumpkins?

Happy Decorating!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pumpkin Upholstery

I saw this at Creative Co-op
This looks like the fabric from the first sofa and love seat we purchased many years ago.

Here it is, with one of our sons enjoying it's comfort (about 26 years ago).

 This sofa and love seat is still in our play room, but feeling not quite a comfy as it used to be.  I keep threatening to get rid of it - but it's so hard to do. Maybe I'll have to make pumpkins out of it!?!?!?
Way to re-purpose a sofa!
Do you have a sofa that is waiting for a new life?
Or maybe just some upholstery left from some furniture you recovered? 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's a rock!


We were walking to the car on one of our last days together (before leaving for stem cell transplant) and I looked down to the ground as I stepped off our cement onto our gravel in our parking/driveway and noticed this heart very clear and pronounced. 

It sparkled and caught my attention so clearly that I thought it was a bead or something man made and wondered what might have broken leaving this heart laying on the gravel.

I was so surprised when I picked it up to find that it was a rock.

Having watched the Disney movie A Bugs Live years ago, I can see Flick giving Dot a rock and hear Dot telling Flick, using a tone of voice that implied that she thought Flick was crazy,  

"It's a rock!" 

Pixar Planet Disney 1001 pattes bug life

He tried to explain to her the importance of that rock or what it represented, but she didn't seem to get it.  

Then later in the movie Dot lovingly gives Flick a rock in his time of need - his need to feel loved and of worth.

Pixar Planet Disney 1001 pattes bug life

(A Bugs Life images from here)

Well, this rock was given in a time of need - making me feel loved.

It's a rock!

 It's a heart!
No matter how you turn it, it's a special heart I found right where I needed it one morning.



It's my Grateful Heart!

It brought me great joy!

This heart now rests in my hutch with other special keepsakes - a visual reminder of LOVE from ABOVE.


Definition of joy (n) from the Bing Dictionary

 [ joy ]   
  1. great happiness: feelings of great happiness or pleasure, especially of an elevated or spiritual kind
  2. something that brings happiness: a pleasurable aspect of something or source of happiness
  3. enjoy something: to delight in something
Synonyms: happiness, delight, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, ecstasy, elation, joyfulness, thrill, gladness, exultation, rapture


It's only the 3rd week of my Grateful Heart posts, but I must say that I am really enjoying these.  The post itself isn't what I am enjoying, but the things I think of and write daily are really making a difference in the way I feel.
I decided to keep a page in my planner to write on when something happens that I think is worthy of note.  Each time I write something I have looked at some of the other things I previously wrote and it reminds me of the joyful moments that fill a day.
I can see more clearly the hand of the Lord in my life and in the lives of my loved ones.  I am so glad that I began this Grateful Heart journey. 
These posts for A Grateful Heart are bringing me much joy!
I look forward to the many joyful moments to come.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happiness Is ...

image from here



Go ahead and leave a comment or email me with What Makes You Happy
(it would be fun to hear from you)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Very Cute Monster Party

These cute playful monster ideas come from Collecting the Moments

These are sweet monsters!

Googlie Eyes make a cute cup ...

and a great game ...

Eyes everywhere ...

and a cute smile (and tooth) along with these eyes ...