Sunday, June 30, 2013

Actions Speak Louder Than Words ...

Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.

Mark Twain


Our Actions Determine Our Character

 “Love your enemies,” He said, “bless them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully
use you, and persecute you” (Matt. 5:44).

Reflecting on his horrendous wartime experiences, Viktor Frankl recalled:
 “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way (Man’s Search for Meaning [1985], 86; emphasis added).

Full message by Wayne S. Peterson, here


Try Kindness Button
image from here


"Kindness is the essence of greatness and
the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women I have known. Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes."

The Virtue of Kindness, by Joseph B. Wirthlin


Jesus said love ev'ryone;
Treat them kindly, too.
When your heart is filled with love,
Others will love you.
(music here)


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Celebrate July!

While cleaning my files I found a folder full of fun and silly reasons to make your day a special day ... things to celebrate ... every day ... any day. I remember having some fun with these years ago, using some of these ideas for a while before forgetting about them. I've found a few more and thought they'd be a fun addition to the blog. Some of these are quite ridiculous, but several are great for family fun, for preschool fun, for party fun, or just for fun!
Happy Celebrating!
Birthstone is Ruby (meaning Contentment)
Flower of the month is Larkspur & Water Lily
- Nat'l Foreign Language Month
- Read an Almanac Month
- Nat'l Blueberry Month
- Nat'l Hot Dog Month
- Nat'l Ice Cream Month
- Eggplant and Lettuce Month
- Family Reunion Month
- 3rd Sunday is Nat'l Ice Cream Day
- Last Saturday is Nat'l Dance Day
- Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day
- International Joke Day
- Canada Day 
- Halfway Point of the Year
- Stay Our of the Sun Day
- Independence Day
- Tom Sawyers Fence Painting Day
- Nat'l Country Music Day
- Sidewalk Egg Frying Day (really?)
- Nat'l Graham Cracker Day 
- Nat'l Fried Chicken Day
- Chocolate Day
- Nat'l Strawberry Sundae Day 
- Video Game Day
- Nat'l Sugar Cookie Day
- Teddy Bear Picnic Day
- Don't Step on a Bee Day (I guess it's no problem any other day) 
- Nat'l Blueberry Muffin Day
- Pecan Pie Day 
- Nat'l French Fries Day
- Beans 'n' Franks Day
- Tapioca Pudding Day
- Cow Appreciation Day
- Air Conditioner invented in 1902
- Peach Ice Cream Day
- National Raspberry Cake Day
- Nat'l Junk Food Day
- Hammock Day
- Ice Cream Cone invented in 1904
- Vanilla Ice Cream Day
- Cousins Day
- Threading the Needle Day
- Aunt and Uncle Day
- Nat'l Milk Chocolate Day
- Nat'l Cheesecake Day

Friday, June 28, 2013

An Old Door ...

I love this old door from here
It's all a great look!


Wooden Fire Crackers

Fourth of July Stuff
This cute bunch of fire crackers was from Pick Your Plum
That sale is over, but it could be an easy make just looking at this photo.

Here is another look, from Someday Crafts


Maybe a rustic look appeals to you - like these Americana Fire Crackers from here


Or, maybe you are into music - just add your favorite patriotic sheet music to the block - like this from Sassy Sanctuary.


Maybe you wanna BIG patio display like these from Hoosier Homemade.

DIY Wooden Firecrackers: Summer Front Porch Decorating on

Fire crackers can take on many successful looks - like these that my sister made me many years ago.
(shown with a poster board hat I made years ago for some cub scout décor - after all these years, I'm still saving it!  That's what I do!  Oh Bother!)

 Happy Independence HoliDay!
from my house to yours



Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pressure Cooker Recipes

I love using my pressure cooker for pulled pork.

I have seen recipes using soda but haven't tried them.  Maybe I'll try this someday.
Pressure cooker pulled pork recipe using Root Beer, from here
Root Beer Pulled Pork Sandwiches in the Pressure Cooker |
 I also love using my pressure cooker for chicken.

My daughter learned of a yummy recipe that I hadn't tried yet ..., and we decided to use that same recipe in the pressure cooker instead of the slow cooker.    I like my slow cooker, but sometimes I just can't think of a meal far enough in advance to use a slow cooker.  That's my favorite thing about my pressure cooker - it has saved me a few times.

Okay, the recipe my daughter shared with me might be familiar to others (no doubt it is), but it was new to me.  And since our tomato allergy issues aren't living in this house anymore (and we do miss our tomato allergy guy), we could try it.

Sorry I don't know what it is called, but here are the ingredients - at least it's how I make it.

1 bottle salsa
1 can corn
1 can black beans

4-5 boneless skinless chicken breasts

Pour it in and cook it.
I cook it in my pressure cooker for 30 minutes.

(I've drained the corn and the beans and I've also left the liquid, and it works either way, just depends how much sauce you want.  We kinda like the sauce over rice.)

1 brick of cream cheese added at the end.
Stir it in and shred the chicken (still inside the juice).

How's that for easy and fast.

We added one more (drained) can of corn because we like more corn.  We will probably add one more can of beans sometime too, cause we like them. 
We've eaten it without the cream cheese and it's good that way too, but the cream cheese is a nice addition. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

Don't forget to smile today!
Words from here 
Image from here

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fabric Yarn

 Have you heard of fabric yarn?  It's a first for me - I'm intrigued!
I have seen things like it, but never heard it called fabric yarn.

FreshStitches shares info about making your own fabric yarn.


One more at Craftsy


These fabric baskets from The Red Thread Blog look so fun! 
She shows how to make them, and I just might have to give it a try sometime.


Check out Heather Knitz Pattern Shop for fabric yarn projects like this lovely colored bag.

she also shares how to cut your fabric in one long piece here, which is much like the t-shirt post above.
I think fabric yarn is what these rugs (I purchased at Ross) are made of.
I love the colors in them.

And my most recent rug (also from Ross) - made a bit different - it is sweater fabric that creates this look that I love.

close ups

back side

I confess ... I bought it without having a place for it, but I loved it and wanted it and thought that I could put it over a trunk or other box for a great look, or even on a bale someday when we need more seating.  It was just so unique that I didn't know if I'd find another one like it anywhere again. I secretly hope that I do, and maybe it will find it's way to my home too.  ;)

For now, it hangs on my quilt rack ..., but not for long. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Wedding Look

Telling the Story board from Style Me Pretty
also from there

I suppose this next look - haystack backdrop - tells a story too ..., a bit different story. From Junebug Weddings.
rustic cream and burlap California ranch wedding - photo by Kate Miller Photography | via 


An Old Truck and a Canopy in the Trees.

Need a place to sleep?
This photo comes from The Lisa Porter Collection
I think the broom is a fun addition.  Does it suggest that there might be witches in the area?  It does look like a rather enchanted area.  Love it!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


"Just do the best you can,
but be sure it is the very best. 
Then leave it in the hands of the Lord"
- Gordon B. Hinckley

hardships, future, motivate, motivation, creation, inspire, inspiration, success, fitness, health, believe
image from here

If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard
and Other Reassuring Truths
(book by Sheri Dew)

"If nothing ever tested our faith or our resolve or our convictions - because we really don't know what we believe or believe in, for that matter, until we're tested - then what are the chances we would progress far enough spiritually in this lone and dreary world? Whether we like it or not, our trials and struggles can tend to accelerate our push toward godliness.  In fact, it's possible we wouldn't go as far as we're capable of going without them."

"This life was designed to be a test - a test to determine if we want to be part of the kingdom of God more than we want anything else."

"Our mortal experience is designed to test what we really care about, what we really believe, what we really want to become, and how we really feel about our Father and His Son."


Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do
image from here


There is a fun story about a hardship in a message from Quentin L. Cook titled,
 "Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time".
The short of it is - after a difficult travel situation with winter weather in June ...,  "When it was the three-year-old’s turn, with a quivering voice, he said, “Hope ya know, we had a hard time!”
I could tell, as our three-year-old talked to his mother and told her of the hard time, he gained comfort and then reassurance. Our prayers are that way when we go to our Father in Heaven. We know He cares for us in our time of need."


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet, Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved, Encouraging Quote, Celebrating Everyday Life blog,
image found here

Prepare for an extraordinary destiny!

and remember ...

image from here - quote is credited to Gordon B. Hinckley

but, don't wait until it gets too hard ...


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Kids Car Wash

This looks like a lot of fun for summer ... maybe for a family reunion activity.

I saw this car wash at Tip Junkie last winter and wanted to save the idea.  Tip Junkie has a link to the tutorial.

Thrifting ...

You might have picked up on this before if you follow this blog - I have had a thing for assorted china plates for a while now ever ..., and when I go to town I often stop at a few thrift stores to check to see what they might have that I might want.
We have had many opportunities lately with my shopping schedule and doctor appointments that have kept me on the road a lot this last week or two.
I have found some awesome purchases - let me share some of them with you.
One very exciting purchase was this little saucer that was just like a set of plates my mother had when we were growing up.  Someone had given them a few plates when they got married.  My whole soul was filled with joy and excitement as I saw this little plate - I just had to buy it for memories sake.

Now remember - I went into the store looking for china plates to add to my collection, and to my great surprise I found several - and they were all a less feminine / more masculine look, so they were perfect for fathers day.  I failed at taking photos of the table and the plates, but my daughter did have her phone handy and took a few she shared with me.

Each plate had a gold or bronze or silver or other colored rim / design around them - only one had a flower in the center.  
Paired with some assorted stemware and glasses, they (and a couple more plates I already had) created a great Father's Day tablescape.  We kept it really simple (because our guys aren't into fancy and floral, etc.) - just added some slices of wood for hot pads down the center of the table.

I wondered if these plates used to be part of a display at a store somewhere.  It was so interesting to me that they were all single plates, all a masculine style, and each had a list of prices on the back - prices for sets of plates, for cream and sugar and saucers and cups and other pieces in a set, but there were no other pieces like them.  It was perfect timing for me, and I was a happy shopper!
In a different shop, but during the same trip to town, I found another awesome addition to the tablescape above.  It's not quite as noticeable, but it is perfect - just what I needed ... and wanted.
It's the little chair at the left of the table - metal frame with vinyl back and seat. (5 dollars.) I plan on re-covering it someday, but for now it has been cleaned up and is staying like it is.  It's a high (or tall) chair with a step in front of it, making it perfect for the grandkids. 
It frees up our highchair for the babies that need a front tray.
Only a few days after the above purchases I found a different store that I hadn't been to before, and my first visit proved successful.
I have admired some plates I've seen before and wished I could find such a beautiful plate.  Well, I found a design similar to I was looking for - not the size of plate I was hoping for, but it was so exciting that I purchased them anyway - seven large bowls, four small bowls, six small plates, two cups and saucers.  There is one more small bowl visible there too - another find from that store, but not part of this set. I am such a happy shopper!

This find was perfect timing too, because just as we set the box in the cart a lady came from behind me wanting to see them and promised she wasn't trying to take them away, but wanted to pick one up and look at it.  She was wishing she had been down that isle before we got there.  Do I feel guilty?  Um, not enough to let her have them, but I do feel sorry for her because I know how I would feel if it were the other way around. 
I am feeling so addicted ... to thrifting for china plates and glassware ... and anything else I might find! 
If I lived closer to town I might find myself checking in daily to see if they have any special finds.  It's probably a good thing I don't live close enough to do that ..., even weekly.  ;)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Fun Stuff

Happy Summer!

Oh what do you do in the summer time?

Paint cute stone creatures like these from a Woman's Day 7/18/89 magazine ...

or from the same magazine, comes this idea of a rock mosaic ...

or this idea of a leaf fan ...


I don't know where this comes from, but can see that it is from the year 1999. I have seen others like it online, but wanted to save the look here, especially since I had in on paper.


Another twig project is this basket.  This project was saved from a Woman's Day 7/18/89 magazine.


Use twigs to help create a Charm Bag like these seen in a July/August 2006 Family Fun magazine.
It looks like a fun craft for young girls.


More nature crafts include these adorable creatures from a Family Fun June/July 2012 magazine.


Pool Noodles can be used for some fun out of the pool as seen in these next two images

this is from a Family Fun magazine July/August 2006

and this is from a Family Fun magazine July/August 2007

Have some Fun!