Sunday, June 23, 2013


"Just do the best you can,
but be sure it is the very best. 
Then leave it in the hands of the Lord"
- Gordon B. Hinckley

hardships, future, motivate, motivation, creation, inspire, inspiration, success, fitness, health, believe
image from here

If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard
and Other Reassuring Truths
(book by Sheri Dew)

"If nothing ever tested our faith or our resolve or our convictions - because we really don't know what we believe or believe in, for that matter, until we're tested - then what are the chances we would progress far enough spiritually in this lone and dreary world? Whether we like it or not, our trials and struggles can tend to accelerate our push toward godliness.  In fact, it's possible we wouldn't go as far as we're capable of going without them."

"This life was designed to be a test - a test to determine if we want to be part of the kingdom of God more than we want anything else."

"Our mortal experience is designed to test what we really care about, what we really believe, what we really want to become, and how we really feel about our Father and His Son."


Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do
image from here


There is a fun story about a hardship in a message from Quentin L. Cook titled,
 "Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time".
The short of it is - after a difficult travel situation with winter weather in June ...,  "When it was the three-year-old’s turn, with a quivering voice, he said, “Hope ya know, we had a hard time!”
I could tell, as our three-year-old talked to his mother and told her of the hard time, he gained comfort and then reassurance. Our prayers are that way when we go to our Father in Heaven. We know He cares for us in our time of need."


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet, Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved, Encouraging Quote, Celebrating Everyday Life blog,
image found here

Prepare for an extraordinary destiny!

and remember ...

image from here - quote is credited to Gordon B. Hinckley

but, don't wait until it gets too hard ...