Monday, February 11, 2013

Cookie Boxes

Stuff I'm lovin'

The treats I'm giving for Valentines Day are my favorite heart shaped cookies - Cream Wafers.
I searched my stash to find something to put them in and found I had purchased these cute Cake Boxes a while ago ... long enough ago that I don't remember where I got them or how much they cost ... but they were just right for what I was wanting today.

I had some wax paper squares that are folded in half and they fit perfectly inside the box without cutting them down.

I placed the cookies with the point of the heart upward. Some boxes held only four, while this box held six.  Most, however, fit five perfectly.  I folded the wax paper over the top of the cookies and folded the sides and the lid down.

Then I taped it with several colors of washi tape and tied it with two pink colors of bakers twine ..., added a fun tag and ... it was complete.

One box was enough for couples, but for families I stacked two boxes together and taped them on the back ... 

and on the sides with more washi tape, to help hold them together.

I was pleased with the way they turned out, especially since I had everything already. 

 Even my tags were partly made. I created the oval pieces last year for the Valentine Dinner Dance. They were stuck onto some of the bottles that we used for the centerpieces. This year I just stuck them to a rectangular piece of paper for my tags. Glad I saved them.  I love to re-purpose, but I'm afraid I save to much and don't really get around to using and re-purposing those items I save.  I'm happy to be able to report that I have done so today.
Happy Valentines Day!