Thursday, February 28, 2013


This look, seen at Gypsy Purple Home, is such a lovely look and color scheme.

more lovely colors and ruffles, on a pillowcase, from Knock Off Decor

 Today ends the month of
 Stuff I'm lovin'

but really, every post I've made on this blog is stuff I'm lovin', so it's not really the end ..., there will be more ...

I'd love to hear about the stuff you're lovin'.



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Hearts = Cheerful Face

I think this is so cute!
It's also a great reminder! (and I need great reminders!)


Do you wonder how this fits among the
Stuff I'm lovin'
 this month?

Well ...,
I love a good reminder!
I love a smile!
I love a happy heart!
I love cute stuff!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Celebrate March!

While cleaning my files I found a folder full of fun and silly reasons to make your day a special day ... things to celebrate ... every day ... any day. I remember having some fun with these years ago, using some of these ideas for a while before forgetting about them. I've found a few more to add to them. Some of these are quite ridiculous, but several are great for family fun, for preschool fun, for party fun, or just for fun!
Happy Celebrating!
Birthstone is Aquamarine, Bloodstone (meaning Courage)
Flower of the month is Daffodil & Jonquils
- Berries and Cherries Month
- Nat'l Craft Month
- Family Fun Month
- Nat'l Kite Month
- Nat'l Noodle Month
- Nat'l Peanut Month
- Music in our Schools Month
- Nat'l Grilled Cheese Month
- Easter (March or April - the third Sunday in the paschal lunar month)
-1st Sunday is Namesake Day
- 1st Friday is Employee Appreciation Day
- 2nd Sunday is Daylight Saving Time
- 3rd Saturday is Nat'l Quilting day
- 1st week is Nat'l Camp Week
- 2nd week is Nat'l Bubble Week and Crochet Week
- 3rd week is American Chocolate Week
- 4th week is Nat'l Cleaning Week
- Nat'l Pig Day
- Share a Smile Day
- Yellowstone became the first Nat'l Part in 1872
- Peanut Butter Lovers Day
- Silly Putty Birthday
- Dr. Seuss's Birthday (b1904)
- Nat'l Banana Cream Pie Day
- Old Stuff Day  
- Peach Blossom Day
- Star Spangled Banner became the National Anthem in 1931
- International Scrapbooking Industry Day
- Oreo Cookie Day, released in 1912
- Silly Putty Invented in 1950
- Monopoly board game was invented in 1933
- Nat'l Cereal Day
- International Women's Day
- Barbie's Day (1959)
- Alexander Graham Bell placed the world's first telephone call to his assistant in the next room in 1876
- Girl Scouts founded in 1912
- Plant a Flower Day 
- Good Samaritan Day
- Nat'l Potato Chip Day
- Albert Einstein's Birthday (b1879)
- Pi Day (not to be confused with Nat'l Pie Day in January)
- St. Patrick's Day
- Rubber Band Invented (1845)
- Nat'l Quilting Day
- Poultry Day
- Nat'l Chocolate Caramel Day
- Spring Fairy Fun Day
- Nat'l Water Day
- Nat'l Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
- Pecan Day
- Vaffeldagen / Waffle Day
- Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
- Spanish Paella Day
- Vincent Van Gogh's Birthday (1853)
- Take a Walk in the Park Day

Monday, February 25, 2013

Backdrops, Curtains, and Canopies

Stuff I'm lovin'
I love this backdrop from Brooklyn Bride


This is a great look too - love lights!  From Girly Wedding
There are several other backdrop looks at this site - check it out!


I love this porch with the curtains blowing in the breeze.  We have wind ...,  quite often, which would make it almost impossible to do here.  Maybe a stronger fabric or drop cloth would work better for this area, and it would certainly have to be tied down or removed when not in use.  From Restore Interiors.


Here is one made with drop cloth. From Pinterest


Here are some cute canopies for the kids ..., imagine the fun they would have in these hideaways
from Family Fun June/July 2009 Magazine

And from the late spring 2013 Pottery Barn Kids catalog we find these adorable kids canopies - well it's one canopy and they sell the clip ons to help create your own look.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Husband and Wife - The Everyday Things

Image found HERE

1. Night and Morning Prayer …
2. A Weekly Planning Meeting …
3. A Daily Phone Call or Personal Conversation …
4. A Weekly Date …
5. Patience Regardless …
6. Daily Service …
7. A Budget …
8. Listening …
9. Regular Attendance …
10. Daily Scripture Reading …
11. Working Together …
12. Forgiving Each Other …
13. Courtesies …
14. Soft and Kind Words …
15. Learning Together by …
16. Respecting …
17. Supporting Your Spouse’s …
18. Caring for Your Spouse’s Family by …
19. Occasional Gifts …
20. Loving with All Your Heart. 

Complete info for each - HERE


"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you"
Ephesians 4:31-32


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quilts I'm Lovin'

These quilts are among the

Stuff I'm lovin'

pretty pink baby quilt from Ingrid Barlow

 I love the not-so-straight stitch quilting here. Tutorial found at Katie Did


The gray quilt above reminds me of a quilted pillow I found a long time ago, here, (and I still don't know where it comes from, but I love it).


I also like the first quilt on this next photo - seen at Apartment Therapy
I like the look of the three different quilts together too ..., and on a built in porch makes it a lovely place for grandchildren to share some time together at their grandparents house ...,  Oh a lovely thought!
And, the three chairs as end tables, filled with books and snacks is another cute idea.


I have had this photo in my file for a long time now, but haven't been able to find it again to name the source, but decided to add it here, because I saw it again, this time on Pinterest, and they give the source as 100 Layer Cake, but clicking that link doesn't take you straight to the quilt on the tree. I was so hoping to find that correct link straight to the quilt.  Maybe someday!

anyway ...,  the quilt on the tree and in the box is a fun look for the right occasion


I love quilts!

other quilt posts include:

here, herehere, and here


Berry Baskets

I have eyed these ceramic berry baskets many times and thought they were adorable, but the price has kept me from purchasing them.  The colors are so springy and delightful though, and the look brightens up a kitchen, a picnic, or many other events.  They are just so fun!
Danielle, at 2 Little Superheroes, found some at Michael's.

These melamine berry baskets are from World Market.
These next baskets have the fun colorful look, but without the high prices.
I saw these at Knock Off Decor, but the DIY is from Pondered Primed Perfected

Here is one more fun colorful look for berry baskets of a different sort. From Hip Hostess

I think this post is making me anxious for spring.  Just look at those fun spring colors ..., and just think of those yummy fresh home grown berries.  Ahhh!

Friday, February 22, 2013

How to Eat a Cupcake!

How to eat a cupcake?  Really?
silly huh!

My sister taught us how to eat a cupcake when we visited my parents a few weeks ago.  Now, we share it with you.

It's as easy as 1 ... 2 ... 3
1. Twist off the bottom half of the cupcake
2. Place the bottom half on top of the icing
3. EAT (like a sandwich)
It works with all cupcakes ...
I'm not really a cupcake fan because they seem to be a bit dry - I'm a middle kinda gal, because they are so much more moist.

Unless I'm making it up in my mind, it tastes a bit different. Maybe because there is icing in every bite this way - no dry bottom to eat without the icing.
 Try it sometime!
I'm curious to know what you think!


Branch Shelf

Stuff I'm lovin'  
I love The Land of Nod  - they always have some great ideas and looks for children's rooms.
Here is a page from their February 2013 Catalog- with the cutest shelf idea.
Just use a tree branch to make a great little play shelf!


Thursday, February 21, 2013


My first tulips for the season!
A friend came to visit yesterday and brought me these lovely pink tulips.
I have my valentine decor still up, so I put those beautiful flowers inside the pitcher I had on the table.
I didn't want to stain the pitcher, so I placed an old glass filled with water inside the pitcher to hold the tulips and keep the pitcher clean.
They are so lovely!  A delightful addition to brighten our days and help create a more Grateful Heart!


Stuff I'm lovin'

I love Hugs!

Here is a cute reading on the front of a post card I found while cleaning the office - I'm making great progress, even if it is taking me a long time. 
Sweet Stuff

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Built in Beds

Stuff I'm lovin'
 includes built in beds. 

They certainly have their place ..., depending on the place.
This, seen at Beachcomber, make a great seat or bed for every time of the day. Dual purpose is great!
And ..., a bit more detail and storage ability, but a little more bed like (which means it probably would be too hard to use for seating), from HERE

Great storage and great beds seen at Poetic Home 

There are 7 looks there.

- - -

And possibly one of my favorite is this one from Aiken House and Gardens.
Isn't it beautiful! The color sceme, the textures, the whole thing!


and here is a corner you cannot see in the first photo - it includes a great little shelf


Here is another look found at Houzz
I didn't spend enough time to see them all, but I did look at a few pages and know that it would be a great place to go for ideas if I was seriously considering creating some built in beds.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beautiful Blue Stuff

Stuff I'm lovin'

Just take a look at these Beautiful Blues.
A lovely look - Blue and Pink (and white) from Daisy Pink Cupcake



Blue Kitchen from House of Turquoise

Or maybe blue walls would appeal to you more than blue cupboards.  From House of Turquoise.
And, how about two refrigerators right in the kitchen?  Great idea if you have space enough for it.

and it doesn't look like this place is hurting too much for space


Just a touch of blue from House of Turquoise


There are so many shades of blue ... lovely shades ... and many look nice together.

and look at these two colors of blue

Clarendon Street eclectic hall

- - -

from House to Home


from Etsy

Cobalt Blue Aqua Blue Turquoise Teal Glass Bottles Green Beach Wedding Starfish Seashells Charm Diffuser Vase


from Green Wedding Shoes


 These blues (with the white) are a beautiful combination of nature.
from The Perfect Palette

So lovely!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pink Stuff

Stuff I'm lovin'

this table top from Mammabellart ...,

 and this beautiful pink collection too ...,


More pretty pink includes this lovely ladder from Mammabellarte.  I don't know if I've seen a pink ladder before. It's a great look.


I love this beautiful pink cake from The Finer Things
I'm sure it would be lovely with other colors, but this pink is so lovely.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Husband and Wife - Happiness

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”

- - - - -
Image from HERE

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Many of the attitudes and behaviors that weaken marriage can be summed up in one word: selfishness.
President Hinckley has said: “I find selfishness to be the root cause of most [broken homes]. … Selfishness is the antithesis of love”

President Hinckley has assured couples: “If you will make your first concern the comfort, the well-being, and the happiness of your companion, sublimating any personal concern to that loftier goal, you will be happy, and your marriage will go on through eternity

- - - - -

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lovin' Outdoor Dining

Stuff I'm lovin'
notice the lovely assortment of chairs ..., the lighting ..., it's all lovely!
... found at She Walks In Beauty


We have a tree stump similar to this, still in the ground though, at the homestead.  I've wondered many times about putting a table top on it.  This is how it could look.  Right now it has lawn around it, but we could poor gravel, sand, or cement around it.  The chandelier (I do love chandeliers) adds to the look, as do the trees and shrubs in the background.   This photo is from This Old House


Here is a great covering for outdoor dining.  Seen at Home Sweet Home (on p16) or HERE (on it's own)  It's so cheery!
