Monday, January 2, 2012

Where do I begin?

Every room in my house needs my attention. Each needs a deep cleaning. Some need a remodeling, or a completion of the remodeling that began a while ago ... even a long while ago. Because each desperately needs attention - where do I begin?

I decide to begin by using the process of elimination. Not eliminating the room from my list and my attention, but putting that room (or those rooms) at the end of the list, because it would be more beneficial to wait for a later date, for some / whatever reason.

Problem is - I could wait for every room for some / whatever reason.

So - I begin my list, not by elimination as much as by what is coming up next ... or first at this point and time.

Thinking carefully and as thoroughly as possible at this moment I decide that first things first means putting away the Christmas decor and putting back all the main decor in my home. BIG TASK!
But, before I can do that I should make sure that my Stuff room is ready - clean and orderly so that I can get in and out without damage to myself or my stuff.

Sounds like a good plan - a big plan - I need a plan of attack for just that room.
I take time now to look and decide what I like and do not like about that room and what I will leave and what I will remove or change in that room. Oh, wow! It's a big picture to look at, even though I've narrowed the wide screen (being the whole house) to the small screen (just my stuff room).

I've been collecting things in boxes to take to Goodwill, and I've an idea that the stack will get bigger as I take on this house one room at a time. This is the year to simplify and de-junk and ....
I just thought a thought I think quite often - it could be very beneficial if I had to move - if I had to move I think I'd get rid of a lot of things that I just can't bring myself to get rid of.

Now I begin ... with My Stuff Room ... where I stuff stuff on top of stuff ... and hope to get rid of the non-essential stuff before stuffing any more stuff.

Well, first things first means that I need to take a photo, because I want before and after photos of each room I attack.


I tried with my old camera because I wanted to just take the photos and download them onto the computer in a hurry. Well, there is a reason I got a new camera for Christmas...I need it! The old camera didn't work for me after several minutes of trying to get a good photo. (It's had problems ever since we visited the butterfly room at the Seattle Science Center last summer - no, last, last summer. It doesn't always take the photo, it doesn't stay on the right setting, and it is crazy.) It's time to really say good-bye to that once fabulous camera that I once loved, and hello to the new one. So I pause to do so before putting photos of my stuff room on this post ...



Here are my before photos - as is, is what you get here!

Wow huh? It's a mess of stuff!

I make no promises to have this room completed by any certain day or time ... well, sometime this month I hope, and better if sometime this week. We'll see! I just know that today is the day to begin, even though I'm a bit slow from feeling a bit sick yesterday. I'm on the mend!

I also know that if I blog it, it might come true! :)

After photos will come when it is done..., when it does come true!  (HERE)