Thursday, June 12, 2014

An Old Bike RePurposed

This was a cute little bike we got for our oldest son many years ago. 

It was used and worn when we purchased it ..., then it got more love and use and has been kicking around (not used) for the past too many years. 

I have been wanting to do something with it for awhile and decided it would be the perfect addition to our party décor since we had used this quote in our daughters graduation announcements.

FYI -  The "LIFE IS LIKE RIDING A BICYCLE" quote has been used in a previous post (HERE) ..., and something similar or complementary to it (HERE).

So after a can of spray paint this became it's new look.

Everything got sprayed except the handles.  It was a quick spray job since we were out of time, and we ran out of paint too soon too so there are places that could have used a little more.  Luckily it's a vintage look we are going for, so the look fits just fine.  

The paint we used was Valspar, Gloss Exotic Sea. 

For our party it's home was atop a shelf at the front entrance of our party tent.  It's new home will be ... somewhere in our yard ... when I find just the right place.