Sunday, March 30, 2014

Love for a Lifetime

image from here

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle."
-Amy Bloom
(seen at quotepixel)

image from here

Love It!  Fix It!

This next quote seemed funny at first, but it's often the case. I suppose that is why looking at each other for a lifetime is a miracle.

I love miracles!
I love my choice!

Here is another quote I really like (writing it from memory here, so I don't know where I found it or who said it):

Choose your love
Love your choice!

image from here

Watch and Learn
- the best marriage partners regard their marriages as priceless.
- faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation of happy eternal marriages.
- repentance and humility build happy marriages.
- terrific marriages are completely respectful, transparent, and loyal.
- successful couples love each other with complete devotion.
Marriage is a gift from God to us; the quality of our marriages is a gift from us to Him.

image from here

The ultimate end of all activity in the Church is that a man and his wife and their children can be happy at home and that the family can continue through eternity. All Christian doctrine is formulated to protect the individual, the home, and the family.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Frozen - My take on it

I didn't get to see this movie in the theater, but I did see it in my home, and I love the movie Frozen! (Therefore, this makes for a long post.)

It is perhaps the most fun movie I've seen in a long time and it certainly has the best moral to the story ..., throughout the story.  

bing search

Film makers think they always have to add something crude or ugly or immoral to make a movie likeable for the public, but this movie seems to have avoided most of that. 

We hear fun and inspiring quotes throughout the movie that are worthy of repeating, remembering, recording, and imitating. 
Our family loves to quote special lines of movies on occasion and this movie offers several that will certainly be heard as we gather together and create fun memories. 

I watched this movie on a phone the first time, so it was a tiny view with much to be desired, but it made me much more anxious to see it on a big screen. 

I purchased the video on the first opportunity I had and watched it with family at home with a pencil and note pad in hand so I could write down some of the fun quotes and a few of my thoughts as I watched it. 

It felt a bit like what I do for General Conference (LDS), and that seemed a bit strange, but it was still fun to do.  And I must add that I am so anxious for General Conference - It begins this evening with the Women's Broadcast and then next Saturday and Sunday will be 2 awesome days filled with inspiration and love.

Ok, now back to the movie and some of those great quotes ...

One of the first things we hear on the movie is to
"Beware of the frozen heart."

That is good advice.
but there is more:

"Love is putting someone else's needs before yours."


"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart."

bing search

"Everyone’s a bit of a fixer-upper - We need each other to raise us up and round us out." and  The only fixer-upper fixer that can fix up a fixer-upper is True love."


"We’re not sayin' you can change him, ‘cause people don’t really change."

from google search

... but ... "love is a force that's powerful and strange."


"You can fix a fixer-upper with a little bit of love."

"People make bad choices if they’re mad, or scared, or stressed.
Throw a little love their way and you’ll bring out their best. 

True love brings out their best!"
 "Some people are worth melting for."

google search

"You sacrificed yourself for me?"

This movie was filled with great wisdom and advice:

"The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded."


"There is beauty in [power], but also great danger... 
You must learn to control it."

"Let it Go!"

is possibly one of the most catchy lines in the movie, but as I listened to that song I was not really appreciative of it.  However, with the proper perspective this phrase can help one through life.
It is important to learn how to let go and

"Say good bye to the pain of the past"

move on, turn it over to the Lord and let it go.  I just don't really know if that is what they were going for there in that song because Elsa seems a bit rebellious and defiant. The words in the song include "no right, no wrong, no rules for me" ... so I guess this would be the one thing in the movie that I really dislike. 
"The past is in the past" isn't bad though.  Some things do need forgotten so that we can move on.
At this point it seems that Elsa could turn evil, but she is mostly misguided or inexperienced and in the end good triumphs evil and all is well.

On the lighter side, here is another piece of advice from the movie:
 :)  "It's not nice to throw people"  ;)

Some things we don't have to be taught, we just know!  ;)

There was mention of chocolate -  Gotta love it!

"What is that amazing smell?  Chocolate!"


It was fun!

The 6 main characters were absolutely adorable and loveable!

Olaf is a sweet little character and possibly my favorite in this movie. 

"Hi, I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" 

google search

He is a happy-go-lucky snowman that sees the world through rose colored glass, with a positively uplifting child-like nature.   
"Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine" 

google search

"When life gets stressed I like to hold on to my dream."

This unsuspecting character brings a smile to our face and our hearts with his joyful spirit and sunny disposition - yip, his is a snowman with a sunny disposition.  Everyone needs an Olaf in their life.

The King and Queen are not seen much in this movie, but we quickly learn that they are loving parents who want the best for their children. 

from google search

Like all parents, they may not have every correct answer and they don't always handle things in the most effective manner, but they do their best with what they know and they do it out of love. 
Recognizing the need for something more than he alone can do, the father immediately says,
"I know where we have to go"  

And quickly they set off to find Grand Pabbie, the wise old troll who has special power. 

google search

We too know where we have to go when we need help.  We turn to God.  We also know that men of faith, who have been given the priesthood or power of God, are much like Pabbie who can bless lives through a special priesthood power.  (However, when I say that I do not mean to make light of the power men have by comparing that to Pabbie's power.  Priesthood power is something completely different and greater than what Pabbie has.)

One fault the King and Queen might have is that they try too hard to protect Elsa from her power, talent, or gift and don't allow her to learn about it and perfect it.

They lock or hide her away and don't help her learn to use and control her power, but instead tell her to conceal it and don't feel it.  It is because of their fear of Elsa's power that they do this.  Fear is a powerful emotion and sometimes we make poor choices because of it.  Elsa's fear holds her back and builds up pressure. 
It becomes more and more powerful and she doesn't have enough teachings and experiences to learn how to use that power for good.  Some consider her evil, but that just is not the case.

"I never knew what I was capable of."  


She eventually is able to use and learn more about her gift and can see how beautiful it can be instead of only how terrible it could be. By the end of the movie love becomes her guiding force.
Anna is kept from others as well, and much of her pain comes from being kept from her sister whom she loved.
Anna hurts because of her lack of knowledge and understanding about Elsa's power and why they are kept from each other.  She feels unloved and that makes her far too anxious to fall in love with the first man that came along.   
"Hang on, you mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?  Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?"  


"So desperate for love you were ready to marry me like that."

It really is no wonder that Anna immediately falls for Prince Hans. He appears to be the perfect handsome young man a girl would love to fall in love with at first sight, and he continues to hold true to that character through most of the movie until one moment we find ourselves wondering as Olaf does, "Who is this Hans?"  Eventually we begin to see his true colors and find out that he is not who we think he is, and he is only out for himself. 
Beware of those who try to deceive us.

Sven ..., no, "wait, his name is Kristoff?"  ;) -  Kristoff was actually a great and lovable guy to me from the beginning just because he seemed more real.  Maybe I expected something like him because I was watching a fairy tale story.

google search

I didn't personally recognize the undesirable qualities that Kristoff might have, but the trolls began to point out his flaws and refer to him as a fixer-upper.  
At the same time they love him for who he is and consider him part of their family.  And Kristoff considers the trolls his family. 

Family is a central theme to this movie.

 Kristoff may have had faults, but that is normal isn't it?  Who is perfect?  There wasn't anyone in that movie that was perfect and there isn't anyone in this life that is perfect.  That is life!

Sven..., yes the reindeer, 
Sven is a loving character who helps make the day go by in a pleasant way because he is fun to be around.  

I really don't care for talking animals in movies and am pleased to find out that the only talking he does is when Kristoff talks for him and that is kinda cute.  
Sven does however have an understanding and gets his point made when interacting with Kristoff, helping to steer him in the right direction. 

A loyal friend indeed!  

The two work well together as best buddies - after all, they did grow up together, and I think Sven helps make Kristoff a better person and is certainly a big part of his character here.

In their childhood, Anna and Elsa are sweet sisters who love each other and find joy in being together. 

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" 

But life soon changed for these little girls and their love was not being nurtured and growing like it could or should have.  
They wanted to love each other more but weren't sure how to go about it since quality and quantity time together was removed from their lives. 

Neither sister is evil but each makes mistakes that have some terrible consequences.  Each eventually learns from those mistakes and they begin to learn how to build a love that is strong in spite of their circumstances and what they didn't previously know and have.  
In time and with more life experiences filled with failings and overcoming, they let go of the past with a forgiving heart and develop a true love for each other. 

True love is charity!
("Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." Moroni 7:47
and "Charity never faileth" Moroni 7:46)

True love will thaw a frozen heart! 


and Love will thaw a frozen kingdom.

 Think positively and encourage on!  Have faith and carry on!
"I knew you could do it!"

This movie seems to be all about family love and doing the right thing for the right reason.
("For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21)

 Ok, I'd better stop, but it really is a great movie - it makes me wanna keep going.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Here are some cute spring time adorable chicks and birds.
Maybe there is enough time to create a few of these before Easter.  

Fun little rattle chickadees from Easy


These cute chickens might be called dotpebbles - found at confetti


These were seen on Pinterest, from Etsy, but no longer available.


If I could work magic, I could make cute chicks like these too!
But I don't knit or crochet. 

Maybe I could make these next felt chicks and birds. 

Keeping with the chick theme, these felt chicks from Myrtle and Eunice - more about how to make them.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Good Works of Irena Sendler

I found this story at Living Beautifully
It's worth spreading around.
Irena Sendler is one special person.
Just look at that sweet face - doesn't she look like a sweet old woman (I say that with much respect) -
What a beautiful smile!
There is certainly a happiness that comes from helping others - it looks to me like she found that happiness.
She earned and deserved it with her brave and courageous acts of kindness. 
There is surely a special place in heaven for her!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Great Quotes

Have you seen the Images Media Library?
It has great quote displays like this
Of course there are great videos too.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's up to Me!

image is back of a recipe card I made
So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment.

— Thomas S. Monson  

image is a poster I made many years ago - girls camp theme

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Alphabet Fun

this idea was in a Consumer Crafts catalog

Thursday, March 20, 2014


I missed St. Patrick's Day. I didn't even realize it had come and gone until the middle of the next day.  I don't know if I wore green, but I was safe because I didn't go anywhere that day.
(I guess I really didn't miss anything! It's not my favorite holiday or color.)

Easter is one month away. I don't wanna miss it! 
Maybe I should start saving ideas and preparing for that fun holiday so I don't miss it.

Here is an awesome looking colorful idea from Hey! Jen Renee
 Will they really be that bright?
I might have to try this.  Maybe I should write Kool-Aid on my shopping list ...,


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Laughter makes the heart sing 

~ Laughter is the music of the heart ~

(image found here

Monday, March 17, 2014

True Friendship


image is from an ME calendar I purchased


Just a thought - Consider this quote and the overwhelming desire (even need) some have for an unlimited number of "friends" on facebook or followers on blogs, etc.

"True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value."
- Ben Jonson

Monday, March 10, 2014


If you are a follower here you will have noticed that my posting has been lacking lately.
I'm not totally forgetting about this blog, and plan on a few posts later, but ...  It's a timing thing.  It's a mental thing. It's a concentration thing.  It's a desire thing. 
I don't want to give it up completely, but I just can't seem to wanna post much lately.  I haven't stopped liking things ..., just posting about them here.  I still love looking!
When I first started Pinterest I wasn't sure if I'd use it much, and then it just kept getting better and better.  I am actually really enjoying it.   It seems much easier for me right now.  So if you are interested you can check out my posting or pinning there.
I will be back here on occasion.  I need to get some work done in my house and I have a family reunion to plan this summer that will encourage more posting here. 
I just felt like I should apologize or at least make you aware of what was going on.  Life is going on, and it's kinda confusing and busy at the moment with the medical and the farm and the family and all of life.  I have to keep my mind on the things of most importance right now, so my daily posts here will be on hold.  I have a few coming up though, so it's not all on hold. I'll be back periodically!
I saw this on pinterest this morning as I was taking a quick peek.  I really like it! 
Have a great day!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Protect It!

"If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. You shield it and protect it. You never abuse it. You don't expose it to the elements.  You don't make it common or ordinary.  If it ever becomes tarnished, you lovingly polish it until it gleams like new.  It becomes special because you have made it so, and it grows more beautiful and precious as time goes by."
saw this on Facebook

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spinach Dip in Bread Cups

I really think this looks like a great idea!

Spinach Dip with Veggies in Baguettes by So, How's It Taste?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Welcome Surprise!

image from a 1986 calendar I had

"Tough times change a lot
Here's a word to the wise -
You'll always stay young
If you welcome surprise!"