This is a favor idea I cut from a Real Simple magazine (January 2008) a few years ago.
While trying to de-junk my stuff this year I found this again, scanned it for safe keeping, and tossed the paper clipping. De-junking is an on going project for me. It's hard though, because at the same time I keep stuffing new or different stuff away.
I thought this would be a good thing to consider around this time of year. We only have a few more days before our new year begins.
Let's finish this one strong and be prepared to begin the next year even stronger.
I thought this would be a good thing to consider around this time of year. We only have a few more days before our new year begins.
Let's finish this one strong and be prepared to begin the next year even stronger.
What do you know about black-eyed peas?
I checked it out. offers this and more, including recipes:
Why does Paula eat one black-eyed pea for each day of the New Year? We Southerners know that eating black-eyed peas ensures good luck and prosperity throughout the upcoming year.
A coin in the pot promises extra fortune to the one who finds it in his scoop of peas. And a penny is often put under each bowl of peas to boost the luck potential.
Legend tells us also that black-eyed peas became a lucky dish during the Civil War. Union soldiers near the town of Vicksburg, Va. burned all crops except the peas; thinking they were animal feed, the soldiers did not bother them. Residents discovered that the legume was the only thing left to eat; they adapted it into their diet, and black-eyed peas were therefore considered the food of good fortune.
Today, people wouldn’t dream of starting off their year without a good luck pot of black-eyed peas.
Here is another paper I filed away - more beans - from a page out of a Rachael Ray magazine (don't know the date).
Here is another paper I filed away - more beans - from a page out of a Rachael Ray magazine (don't know the date).