Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Thanksgiving Package

Today is A Grateful Heart Thursday, where I share one positive thing that happened this week - a happy thing, a kind thing, a tender mercy, a small and simple something that happened, bringing a smile to my face and to my heart, helping me to recognize the hand of the Lord in every minute of my life.
 One day last week we got a call that made us feel very special and loved.  We did not know the caller, and she did not know us, but she was so happy to call and talk with us.

We are at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance because my husband is undergoing a stem cell transplant, and a member of the clinic staff called saying that someone had suggested that we might like a Thanksgiving package, and she was calling to offer it to us. 
It crossed my mind to say "thank you but go ahead and give it to someone else who might need it more than we do" but then I remember how I feel when others accept a kindness I try to offer and decided to graciously accept the kindness that was being offered to us. It's a strange feeling when someone tells you they do not want the gift you are freely giving them, and she was so kind and happy to offer it, I did not want to ruin that feeling for her either.  If no one received there would be no opportunity to give, and giving brightens the day.  It certainly brightened ours. 

Just the call itself was so pleasant and brought a warmth to our heart making that day feel like a special day.  I don't know who put our name in the hat, but we were picked and happily accepted.

We feel loved! We know that our Heavenly Father is aware of us and knows what we are going through, and He is with us every step of the way.  There will be tough times, but He will help us through them.

The Thanksgiving package arrives today -  delivered to people who live in Pete Gross House, others will pick up their package at the Resource room at the clinic.
How can we be so lucky? 
 Is it really luck?

(Updated with this photo later in the day)

It is Love! Freely Giving! Gratefully accepted!

I just found this in my Reader, and it fits so well with this post.

You were created to make somebody else’s life better. Somebody needs your smile. They need your love, your encouragement and your gifts. -Joel Osteen

I'll do my best to help make somebody else's life better, as others have done for me and mine.