Thursday, October 3, 2013

Stranger on a Bike

 A grateful heart
is a beginning of greatness
(Ensign, May 1990, 86) 
This quote from President James E. Faust was found here.
 Today is A Grateful Heart Thursday, where I share one positive thing that happened this week - a happy thing, a kind thing, a tender mercy, a small and simple something that happened, bringing a smile to my face and to my heart, helping me to recognize the hand of the Lord in every minute of my life.



We stopped in Ellensburg on our way to Seattle needing to mail a package to our son in Nevada.  We didn't remember where the post office was so we drove around trying to find it.
We decided to stop and ask a group of 3 young adults on the side of the road for directions.
One of them told us where it was and then offered to get on his bicycle and show us the way. He suggested we go to the end of the block and turn around so that he could take us there.
We did just that, and he, with one of his friends riding along the side of the road with him, led us to the post office with ease.

We were so impressed with this young man who stopped his conversation with his friends to help strangers in need.
His parents should be so proud of him, because certainly this isn't the only kindness he performed - it came so freely from him that he is surely kind to all people at all times.

I went into the post office and mailed my package (first trying to find a box to fit it into) and the man behind the counter came around to help me and was so kind and patient and helpful.
I couldn't help but think that the Lord was blessing me and helping me to accomplish this simple task this day.

Just a little FYI -
The reason we are traveling to Seattle is because my husband is going to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance for a stem cell transplant. Maybe you an see why this simple thing seemed to be such a great blessing to me. Our minds are kind of filled with concern for our family and the upcoming months of treatment.

My Heart Is Grateful for all the little acts of kindness this past week.  We truly can bless the lives of others with a smile or a kind word, or a small service that might only take 5 minutes of our time, but it is truly a blessing to others.  I wanna be better at giving that act of kindness.