Tuesday, September 10, 2013

barn quilts

While traveling through Tillamook Oregon for our family reunion this summer we passed several barns with (wood/painted) quilts on the front or side.   Each was different and each seemed unrelated to the other.  It was interesting to see and I wondered what inspired so many to create and display these barn quilts. 
After we got home, my husband was going thru the mail and found a newspaper - The Bridge TV Week - with an article about Barn Quilts in the Kittitas County (WA state).  Because we had just seen and talked about this type of thing it peeked our interest and we read about it.
That article said; "A barn quilt is a painted replica of an everyday quilt on an 8-foot by 8-foot square of ultra fine-faced plywood..., some are 4x4."  (I didn't notice that all the barn quilts we saw in Oregon were the same size, but they probably were.)  "It is usually mounted on the most visible gable end of the barn."
I really love this barn!  The entrance is great!
The quilt is okay too, but the barn is the reason I am saving this look.
Everything else is just extra info. ;)

Continued info about barn quilts from the article:
"The designs are taken from traditional patterns used by quilters.  Favorite old family patterns are used, as are modern variations of traditional patterns."
"Barn quilts are a good way to bring attention to our way of life ..., they cause people to get off the main highways and tour the agricultural areas.  Some of the quilt patterns tell the history of the family.  Others tell what a farm produces."