Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tis the Season!

Tis the Season!
No - not the Christmas season - I'm really not ready for that to be here.
Tis the season for garden produce ... 
These lovely lemon cucumbers and tomatoes came from our garden, and the summer squash came from our son's garden. 
Tis also the season for yummy orchard produce ...,
and for preserving that yummy orchard produce (like these juicy peaches). (Pears are up next!)

Ummm Good!
I love to hear the lids pop as they begin to cool down after removing them from the hot water bath.
It is a joyous sound ...,
Tis the season 
for popping corn lids.
Those pops are a sound of accomplishment ...,
it reminds us of the deliciousness available in the several months to come.
Those pops bring a smile to my heart and soul.
Ah, the simple pleasures in life!