Sunday, May 12, 2013

No More Noble Work!

"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."

For many years this has been one of my favorite messages for mothers and families
To the Mothers in Zion
by President Ezra Taft Benson

You may have noticed how worn my Book of Mormon is in that photo ...


It is the book I took to church each week and the book I studied at home almost daily. It began getting worn, so I retired and replaced it from going to church meetings, but continued using it for family scripture reading at home.  It has been opened almost every morning and every evening for many years and has traveled with us to be read as a family in hotel rooms when away from home.  We certainly weren't and aren't yet perfect at every morning and evening, but we love it when we are consistent, because it helps fill our home with love and peace.

The outside is worn, but the inside still holds a wonderful message that brings our hearts, minds, and souls closer to Christ.

I don't plan on giving it up any time soon - the inside is still perfectly usable and legable and marked and loved. It will stick around for a long time yet.

The scriptures bring us nearer to Christ and when we are nearer to Christ we see things in a beautiful light. Motherhood is one of those things. (which brings us back to the pamphlet I mentioned)

The message, To Mothers in Zion, can be read here or here, depending on which format you like best. I have read and used this message many times in my mothering career, and will continue to.  It's a great read, as is the Book of Mormon, I might add. 

I agree with Pres. Benson - there is

"No More Noble Work
No more sacred word exists in secular or holy writ than that of mother. There is no more noble work than that of a good and God-fearing mother."
Oh how I love being a mother! I love my children and their father! They are my life! I still have so much more to learn about being a mother, and look forward to those opportunities. Forever learning and improving ourselves!

I love my mother and my husbands mother!
I am grateful for their love and example to me! They understand and understood the importance of that noble work.

I'm going to add a funny thing -
A friend gave this cute piece of framed art to me many years ago when my children were small and under foot. Things are a bit different now with just two children living at home.
Though there were times that this saying could have been a great reminder, I will forever be grateful for my nine children. I feel so blessed. 
I am grateful for the spouses that 5 of them have married (the other four are not yet married). My heart is so filled with love for them (my newest daughters) as I see and hear of their love and respect and their service and compassion towards my sons. I am grateful for the 8 grandchildren we presently have. Grandchildren truly are grand!

I also think of my mother and her eight children. 
I don't think I was a terrible child, actually I'd say I was pretty good (of course I would), but I am sure that there were moments that I made her wonder what went wrong (oh bother).
I remember her saying (in my very young years) something like "you kids are going to drive me to drink!", and I always wondered what that meant ..., just where is drink?  (and just to set things straight, I'm sure she was always saying that in response to something one my siblings did, not at something I did ..., right mom? ... okay, she doesn't have to answer that!) 
Well, as I got older I realized what that really meant, and then later I realized how grateful I am for my mother and her kindness and patience, and her love. (I am also grateful that she had high standards that didn't allow her to drink, or surely we would have driven her there.)
Lastly, another cute piece of art that hangs on a cabinet door knob in my family room.
Smile Everyone!
 Happy Mother's Day to all!