Monday, April 8, 2013

There is a tender spot in our hearts for Spain, because my husband spent two years there serving a mission for our church before we were married.  He has cooked us meals that he remembers from his time there, and one of our favorites is a Spanish Tortilla.  So, when I found this page in the magazine our church creates for children I had to clip and save it.  From The Friend, April 1973.

We haven't eaten the sandwich, but we love the tortilla and have it often.
We haven't ever followed this, or any recipe, for the tortilla, but these are the same ingredients, except that we add onions.  Our potatoes aren't diced fine, but are maybe an inch long piece a little wider than a french fry.  And, we never use that much oil.

Here is a photo from our collection that was taken on Christmas Day, 2004. Hubby is making Spanish Tortillas (that is what he heared them called in Spain) for our Christmas morning breakfast.  The two pans in the back are already flipped, and the two in the front are not. 

He makes them, and has me flip them. 
I use a pizza pan to help me, because I'd make too much of a mess if I didn't have help. I set the pizza pan (top side down) onto the pan and hold the two pans together as I flip them over - tortilla now resting on the pizza pan. I set the frying pan back down and slide the tortilla (cooked side up) back into the pan to cook the other side.

I really enjoy a Spanish Tortilla - a good amount of onion makes it most yummy to me.