Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Multi-Media Storage

Make a storage box / drawer or a small storage shelf like these I clipped from an Oct. 2006 Family Fun magazine.

We have a "Lean-on-me Holder" in our house.  Hubby made it in his younger years (I don't know if it was school or scouts) and it's still being used - it's a put together in a little different way, but it's been around for a lot of years.  Presently it sits on his shelf above his desk.

 Here's a bit of history and explaining -
One might notice the Spanish books (and photo) above and wonder about it.  He is not Hispanic, but served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Spain (1976-1978).
Because he has learned Spanish he has served in our church with the Hispanic people, and has made lasting and treasured friendships. 
He loves to learn and uses that dictionary often, though the Spanish scriptures may not get used as much anymore, since he has been released from that call to serve.