Friday, November 30, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude

image from here
 Today I combine  A Few of my Favorite Things
with a list of  Things I am Thankful For.

Last year I chose to post about something I was grateful for each day through the month of November and even continued through some of December (check out A Grateful Heart posts), but this year I chose to display it in one post on the last day of the month. 
Remember though, that this list includes only 30 things, and I've grouped many together, so it is in no way complete. 
1. My Family =
husband, children, married children and grandchildren, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and all ancestors ...
 being a Wife, Mom, Grandma, daughter, sister, ...
2. The Godhead =
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ our Savior, the Holy Ghost - Their love for each of us, the comfort I receive through them, the suffering and Atonement for me and each individual, divine guidance ...
3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ =
Christ's teachings, doctrine and principles that lead to happiness, the scriptures, the priesthood, ...
4. Friends and Good People Everywhere =
old friends, new friends, and people I have never met, but who care for my loved ones (like the people who care for my sons while they serve missions), maybe I should have called this one Kindness & Compassion ...
5. Life =
being alive! ... the Plan of Happiness ... experiences that bring joy ...
Learning ...
6. Financial Security =
we haven't always been as financially secure as we might wish, but we are always grateful for what we do have ..., and we appreciate being able to share when we can, or because we can ...
7. Health =
funny sometimes to think of since we do have some health problems and concerns, but really - it is better than it could be and even better than it has been, so we are grateful for the good health we do enjoy ...
8. Love =
it's such a wonderful feeling to be loved and to give love ...
not to forget ... Hugs & Kisses & Holding Hands are among those things that help us feel love ...
9. Chocolate =
yip!  I do like it!  In milk chocolate form, dark chocolate form, white chocolate, in cakes and cookies, in candies, in liquid form, with raspberries, with most anything ..., mmmm good!
10. 5 Senses =
each and every one of them; seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling.  Each of these senses helps us partake of the joy that is readily available to human kind ... 
and, I am grateful for friends who have taught me the goodness that is still there, when one or more of these five senses is not ...
our physical bodies that can do so very much ...
11. Words =
words say so much spoken or written ...
Communication ...
12. Smiles, Laughter and Happiness =
oh joy!  it just makes life so much more pleasant ...
13. Farming =
I love the farm life - always have ...
If there were no farmers, we'd be in a world of hurt!   It's a great profession!
14. Doctors and Medicine =
the knowledge and abilities of all people and things medical ...
Medical Science ...
15. Music =
good music that brings peace and joy to the heart and soul ...
16. Home =
my home - the one I have now, the one I grew up in, those I have visited that made me feel welcome ...
a place of refuge - comforts and safety from the elements of nature and other evil or undesirable forces ...
17. People who have taught me =
 parents, grandparents, school and church teachers and leaders, friends, everyone ...
 by word, by example ...
Thank You!
18. Working Modern Appliances =
in the kitchen and laundry room - gotta love em all - they make life easier ...
19. Automobiles and other forms of
modern Transportation =
my car, a car for my children so I can use my car, a pickup for my husband, planes and other forms of transportation that get us from one place to another to see loved ones ...
20. Furniture =
soft sofas, tables and chairs, beds, book shelves, dressers, and more ...
21. Plants =
trees, flowers, veggies, grass, grains,
There is beauty all around!
22. the Sun =
shining brightly for the whole world to see, and to add warmth on a cold winter day ...
 sometimes I love clouds or a nice cool breeze to hide some of that warmth on a hot summer day :) ...
23. Four Seasons =
each with it's individual beauty, color, and charm ...
Nature in all it's splendor ...
24. Electricity =
it makes #18 so nice ...
light to the dark, heat or cooling to make life more comfortable ...
all Electrical Devices ...
25. Food =
the good tasting stuff :)
26.  Clothing =
the many choices for all needs and desires because one size or one style does not fit all ...
27. Decorative & Beautiful Things =
 trinkets, knick-knacks, holiday & party decor, antiques, and all things lovely to look at ...
28. Cell Phones =
 a great way to get a hold of your children and to contact others at almost all times ...
all communication devices ...
29. Cameras =
photos to save the look and preserve memories ...
personal and family histories ...
30. Blogs =
blogs I read and blogs I write  ...
personal, family, spiritual, food, craft, scrapbooking, decorating, creating, collecting, repurposing, party and wedding planning, sewing,  and
all things creative and informative and inspiring ...
image from here
I am going to

... did I say COLOR?
well ..., I am grateful for it!


 I'm so grateful that our HARVEST IS COMPLETE.

I guess I need 32 days in November  ...  ;)

Merry Christmas!