Monday, July 16, 2012

Gumball Machine

I've checked one more thing off my list.  I got a red gumball machine when I was about 16 years old. I have always wanted to paint it a different color, but never have done it.  Several years ago ... too many years ago ... the glass broke and I've kept it in the storage room for repair.  I decided that now was the time for that repair.  I need the space it was taking up.  I didn't get a photo while it was together, but here it is apart, so at least you can see the color that it was.  It was just a true red gumball machine.

I ordered the glass globe replacement from Amazon and purchased some spray paint.  Ivory for the upper part and nickel for the stand part.  

So here is how my gumball machine looks today.  I kinda like it! 

I wanted to antique it, and tried a little, but wasn't brave enough to go all out with it, so until I find some courage I'll leave it as is.

It has small bouncy balls in it for the moment (I already had them in my drawer), but I'm not sure what I'll end up putting in it. Gum is a problem when it gets all over things so that's out. Candy is almost as bad, and both cause kids to want beyond control, so I don't want the parents of the children that come to our home to have to hassle with that. Besides, I already have a small Jelly Belly machine for that. :)

Please excuse the finger prints - it does get used, and I didn't take the time to clean it up before photo, so you get the "as is" shot!   Notice the pennies provided!
That saves the parents and the kids. 
Looks like I need a new container of Jelly Bellies too!

Well, there you have it ... just my random act of accomplishment for today!  :)