Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wedding Decor

This wedding is inspired by Anne of Green Gables, and I love that movie.  We have seen it a few times - though it's been awhile.  I think we better watch it again.   Anyway, these are some great wedding decorations I found from Green Wedding Shoes

First picture is the wedding cakes and the lovely cloth they are on and even lovelier canopy surrounding them.  A sweet and peaceful look. The colors are delightful too.

This mini individual carrot cake is a rather cute idea too. 

Here are some hoops with lace, hung from the trees - they add a special look as the sun shines on and through them. 

Possibly my favorite of the event is the centerpiece - candlesticks topped with teacups filled with candles.  I would love to see this lit up in the evening.  I might add a few tea lights on the wood platform they are on so that it would help the tea cups glisten a bit more.  I guess I'd have to see if it really worked.  It is awesome in my mind, but not always do things turn out the way my mind views them.