I am grateful for words and the ability to share thoughts and feelings by speaking and hearing words, and by writing or reading them. Without words, Terry's poems wouldn't be. Without words, Christmas carols and songs couldn't tell the story. Without words ... well, you understand ... we just couldn't be without words.
Names are great too. One quite dear to my heart lately is "Bama". It is what Auger calls me and hearing it makes me so happy.
It is so wonderful to have them close enough to see often. We miss the other grandchildren that are so far away. We love the words they use when they are near us and we have withdrawals when they leave ... wish we could be closer. It's the words and photos shared online (or on the phone) that keep us close when there are so many miles between us. I'm grateful to our children for taking advantage of that opportunity so that we can keep our grandchildren in our sight as much as possible. They are always in our hearts!
One last thought - something I saw online and need to remember.
WORDS can Hurt or Heal.
What did yours (mine) do today?
I will try to choose my words more carefully. And, as important as words are, sometimes things are better left unsaid!
Maybe some of my posts can have fewer words, huh? We'll see!
Have a great day everyone!