Monday, November 21, 2011

Fun Fall Food

Pumpkin Pancakes recipe from I am Baker

Recipe found at Bakers Royale

Corn (cereal) On The Cob From Parents
Bag these up individually and give them as favors for the long road home after Thanksgiving gatherings.

Pumpkin Oatmeal is yummy too!
Pumpkin Oatmeal Recipe from Deceptively Delicious

Here is a more visible recipe - straight from her book.

1 cup nonfat milk
1/4 cup firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
1/4 cup canned pumpkin or sweet potato puree
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
1 cup old-fashioned oats
2 tsp natural peanut butter (optional, and I leave it out because of allergies)
Dried fruit and nuts (optional, I like the sliced or slivered almonds on mine)
Pure maple syrup, for serving (we don't use that, but I do use a little cream, mmmm!)

1. In a small saucepan, combine the milk, sugar, pumpkin, vanilla, if using, and spice. Bring to a gentle boil and stir in the oatmeal. Reduce the heat and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, until the oatmeal is soft and creamy. Stir in peanut butter, if using.

2. Spoon the oatmeal into bowls, sprinkle with dried fruit and nuts, if you like, and serve warm with maple syrup.