Monday, September 12, 2011


When searching for a fun craft item for the children for our family reunion I came across a tie snake at  It was a craft kit and it looked simple enough to create my own kit.

I quickly went to my husband's closet to find a tie and created my own snake. I had eyes and glue dots, felt, stuffing, and of course a needle and thread. Oh, and a bell I added to the tail. Love it!

I stuffed clear up into the head (but I didn't make it too stuffed and stiff) and then sewed the tie closed so the stuffing wouldn't get pulled out. Here is what I created.

The kids really liked these snakes, though the mom's and dad's had to help make them, they were a hit.

We asked them to bring one of their dad's old ties and then we had some extra's (good thing we did, because a lot of them forgot and wanted to make one). We even used some of their great grandfather's ties. Great for a family reunion don't you think?

What would I do different? I might use sew on or snap on eyes because even though the glue dots hold okay, the kids can pull the eyes off. We also used glue dots for the tongue and I would sew that too.

I love the way my husband referred to them - he calls them KeepSnakes!